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Updated: August 9, 2024

And there she lay, looking like a lily fallen into a rut. Presently she awoke, and sat up in the bed, like one amazed; then, seeing the men, began to scream faintly, and pray for mercy. She made Dierich Brower ashamed of his errand. "Here is a to-do," said he, a little confused. "We are not going to hurt you, my pretty maid.

For the first time in their lives they were sorry they had not learned to write, like their brother. And now Hans began to talk of going, and the brothers agreed in a whisper to abandon their project for the time. They had scarcely resolved this, when Dierich Brower stood suddenly in the doorway, and gave them a wink. They went out to him. "Come to the burgomaster with all speed," said he,

Martin rose hastily too, and being confused by these sudden screams, and apprehending danger from the man's curiosity, tried to prevent him from going there. At this Dierich threw his arms round him from behind, and called on the others to keep him.

"Ye should have looked under her bed, and in it too, and sounded all the panels with your knives. Come, now, get up, and I shall show ye how to search." Dierich Brower got up and shook himself. "If you find him, call me a horse and no man." In a few minutes Peter's house was again surrounded.

Let us see the fire, will ye?" His off-hand way disarmed all suspicion. And soon after the party agreed that the kitchen of the "Three Kings" was much warmer than Peter's house, and they departed, having first untied Martin. "Take note, mate, that I was right, and the burgomaster wrong," said Dierich Brower at the door; "I said we should be too late to catch him, and we were too late."

All, mind, all that were in the chest." "Master, I will take the constables to Gerard's house, and seize him for the theft." "The theft? ay! good; very good. It is theft. I forgot that. So, as he is a thief now, we will put him in the dungeons below, where the toads are and the rats. Dierich, that man must never see daylight again. 'Tis his own fault; he must be prying.

The fiery old man left his mule in the hands of Jorian Ketel, and, with Dierich Brower and the others, entered the house. The house was empty. Not a creature to be seen, not even Peter. They went upstairs, and then suddenly one of the men gave a shout, and pointed through Peter's window, which was open.

This change of countenance did not escape Dierich. He reflected a moment. "Watch outside two of you, one on each side of the house, that no one jump from the upper windows. The rest come with me." And he took the candle and mounted the stairs, followed by three of his comrades. Martin was left alone. The stout soldier hung his head. All had gone so well at first; and now this fatal turn!

He now galloped after his companions, and when after a long race he caught them, he instantly put Gerard and Margaret on the mule, and ran by their side till his breath failed, then took his turn to ride, and so in rotation. Thus the runner was always fresh, and long ere they relaxed their speed all sound and trace of them was hopelessly lost to Dierich and his men.

Affection sharpens the wits, and often it has made an innocent person more than a match for the wily. As Dierich was going out, Kate made him a signal she would speak with him privately. He bade his men go on, and waited outside the door. She joined him. "Hush!" said she; "my mother knows not. Gerard has left Tergou." "How?" "I saw him last night." "Ay! Where?" cried Dierich eagerly.

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