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Updated: July 31, 2024

However, it will never do to turn tail now, so please say how you mean to engage her, and I will take the necessary steps." "We will run her aboard, me bhoy, throw all hands on her decks, and dhrive her cut-throat crew below or overboard in less than two minutes, or I'm very much mistaken.

Oh, I could say nothing, you know; it's for you to do it. But, Larry, I think it's the best for you, and you may be sure I'll not be complaining afther; or saying ill of you for what you did, when you could do no other." "And you didn't tell the blackguard ruffian robber to be gone out of that, when he asked you to dhrive your own family out of your own house?" "Whist, father, whist!"

"Dhirt I am," sez I, "an' the dhryest that you iver kyarted. Dhrive on, me son, an glory be wid you." At that I wint to slape, an' took no heed till he pulled up on the embankmint av the line where the coolies were pilin' mud. There was a matther av two thousand coolies on that line you remimber that. Prisintly a bell rang, an' they throops off to a big pay-shed.

No! Slane wint an' asked her. He's a good bhoy is Slane. Wan av these days he'll get into the Com'ssariat an' dhrive a buggy wid his savin's. So I provided for Ould Pummeloe's daughter; an' now you go along an' dance agin wid her." And I did. I felt a respect for Miss Jhansi McKenna; and I went to her wedding later on. Perhaps I will tell you about that one of these days. Oh!

There's my own son joined with 'em agin me; and he'll help to dhrive me out, he will, and Feemy too, poor girl!" In vain Ussher endeavoured to make him believe that his son had not conspired against him, to deprive him of his property.

That was where he come in. An' he took th' money an' carrid it over to a cor-rner iv th' gr-rounds where a la-ad had wan iv thim matcheens where ye pay tin cints f'r th' privilege iv seein' how har-rd ye can hit with a sledge-hammer, an' there he stayed till th' polis come ar-round to dhrive people off th' gr-rounds." "Well," Mr. Hennessy asked, "how goes th' war?" "Splendid, thank ye," said Mr.

Dennis's man must have tilted him out av the thrap. Whin he came to, "Hutt!" sez I, but he began to howl. "You black lump av dirt," I sez, "is this the way you dhrive your gharri? That tikka has been owin' an' fere-owin' all over the bloomin' country this whole bloomin' night, an' you as mut-walla as Davey's sow.

"What oath?" inquired the son, with an air of surprise "What oath, last night? I know I was drunk last night, but I remimber nothing about an oath." "Do you deny it, you hardened boy?" "I do deny it; an' I'm not a hardened boy. What do you all mane? do you want to dhrive me mad? I know nothin' about any oath last night;" replied the son in a loud voice.

Th' sicrety iv state is settin' in his office feelin' blue because he's just heerd be a specyal corryspondint iv th' London Daily Pail at Sydney, Austhreelya, who had it fr'm a slatewriter in Duluth that an ar- rmy iv four hundherd an' eight thousan' millyon an' sivinty-five bloodthirsty Chinee, ar-rmed with flatirnes an' cryin', 'Bung Loo! which means, Hinnissy, 'Kill th' foreign divvles, dhrive out th' missionries, an' set up in Chiny a gover'mint f'r the Chinee, is marchin' on Vladivostook in Siberyia, not far fr'm Tinsin."

"No, you wouldn't, Flix," sneered Scott. "If you saw a cobry, you would run till you got back to Ireland." "Is'ht me! Wud I roon from a cobry? Not mooch! Ain't I a lineal dayscindant of St. Patrick? long life to him! And didn't he dhrive all the schnakes and toads out of the ould counthree! Jisht show me a cobry, and thin see me roon!"

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