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Updated: August 10, 2024

He hated but he feared the white men, and he had not implicit faith in the Dewan's talk of their speedy overthrow. "Mother Durgá has rejected him," he said. "Have ye not all tried to slay him and failed?" The Dewan nodded his head slowly and stared at the carpet. "There is some strange and evil influence that sets my plans at naught." "The gods, if there be gods as you Brahmins say, protect him.

At this the Dewan's son hurried back and lay down on his bed. Presently he saw the woman come with a sword and cut off her husband's head. But when she took it to the Gosain, he rose and beat her with his iron pincers and drove her out, swearing that he would have nothing more to do with a woman who was so heartless as to kill her own husband.

The Dewan's son would not believe this and pressed him to tell, saying "We have been friends for so long and have had no secrets from each other, why won't you tell me this? if you refuse to tell me there is an end of our friendship," but the Raja's son persisted that he had been told nothing and proposed that they should go and ask the old woman if it were not so; but the Dewan's son said that that was no good because the old woman and the Raja's son had plainly made a plot to keep him in the dark.

The Dewan's brother was very nervously counting his beads, and never raised his eyes while I kept mine steadily upon him. He suggested most of the queries, every one of which took several minutes, as he was constantly interrupted by the Kajee, who was very fat and stupid: the Lama scarcely spoke, and the bystanders never. The interpreter did not read the last line, which stated that Dr.

"Now we will go back," Nana Sahib was saying as the French General brought Elizabeth from among the oleanders and crotons. The day after the Bagrees had taken the oath of allegiance to Sindhia the jamadars were summoned to the Dewan's office to receive their instructions for the carrying out of the mission.

A long reference is made in the Dewan's address of 1890, to the endeavours made by the Government to open up the iron wealth of the province, and it was then in correspondence with a native gentleman who had proposed to start iron works in the Malvalli Talook of the Mysore district. The Government, it appears, were prepared to grant most liberal concessions as regards the supply of fuel.

At the end of the session the Dewan's annual statement, or report, and an account of the proceedings of the Assembly, are printed in English and in Kanarese.

The Assembly, as we have seen, consisted of members partly appointed by the Local Fund Boards, and partly of members nominated through the agency of Government officials, but at the conclusion of the Dewan's address of October 28th, 1890, an important change in the constitution of the Assembly was announced, and a new body of rules was issued.

To both Donkia and Kongra Lama I had every right to go, and was determined, if possible, to reach them, in spite of Meepo's ignorance, our guide's endeavours to frighten my party and mislead myself, and the country people's dread of incurring the Dewan's displeasure.

The jamadars with glowering eyes turned from the Dewan, even the harsh salaam they uttered in going sounded like a curse. And when they had gone, Baptiste was startled by a gurgling laugh bubbling up from the Dewan's fat throat. "Sirdar," he chuckled, "I've given that posing Rajput a poem to commit to memory. Ha-ha! They have two strong reasons now for going their shame and lean stomachs."

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