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A man who cannot hear displeasing things, without visible marks of anger or uneasiness; or pleasing ones, without a sudden burst of joy, a cheerful eye, or an expanded face, is at the mercy of every knave: for either they will designedly please or provoke you themselves, to catch your unguarded looks; or they will seize the opportunity thus to read your very heart, when any other shall do it.

V. VII. Gaul Subdued Certainty is, however, the less attainable as to this, seeing that Caesar perhaps designedly instituted fewer offices than candidatures. V. II. Piracy V. XI. In The Administration of the Capital V. XI. Foreign Mercenaries V. IX. In the Governorships V. XI. Financial Reforms of Caesar V. I. Organizations of Sertorius V. XI. Robberies and Damage by War

I shall sail in a few weeks again, and carry your image forever in my heart; nobody can take that away; that dear shadow will be the only wife I shall ever know." At this moment Miss Prissy came rattling along towards the door, talking we suspect designedly on quite a high key. Mary hastily said, "Wait, James, let me think, tomorrow is the Sabbath-day. Monday I will send you word, or see you."

Doubtless she played with him, persuading herself that she merely treated him with cousinly cordiality, when she was designedly making him her lover. The marvel was that she did not give him her hand; that he sought it is no occasion for surprise or for insinuations that he coveted her wealth. Biography is by turns mischievously communicative and vexatiously silent.

The frames of the entire windows are later work, having no attachment or bonding to the jambs, as is clearly manifested to the eye." These windows rise as high as the top of those of the triforium. Above is a round-headed window with a slightly smaller arch on each side, with cushion capitals. The gable itself is designedly made to resemble one of the gables of the west front.

Mr Swiveller, though an unwilling witness, could not help proving to demonstration, from the position in which it was found, that it must have been designedly secreted. 'It's very distressing, said Brass, 'immensely distressing, I am sure. When he comes to be tried, I shall be very happy to recommend him to mercy on account of his previous good character.

And thereat she fell unconsciously to imitating him; and so they eyed each other furtively like cats, and rubbed themselves along the walls of rooms and passages when they met, lest they should seem designedly to come near each other, and enacted the gravest and most formal of genuflexions, courtesies, and bows, when they accidentally DID meet.

And as for the empty promises and delusive hopes which they set before you, so extreme is their desire to return home that they naturally believe many things which are untrue, and designedly misrepresent many others; so that between their beliefs and what they say they believe, they fill you with false impressions, on which if you build, your labour is in vain, and you are led to engage in enterprises from which nothing but ruin can result.

With this complication of intentions, he had drawn up a report on the ordinary state of expenditure and receipts, designedly omitting the immense sacrifices demanded by the land and sea armaments as well as the advances made to the United States. He thus arrived, by a process rather ingenious than honest, at the establishment of a budget showing a surplus of ten million livres.

"We have always been dutiful sons, have we not, mother?" inquired Fritz. "Yes, always." "You are well pleased with us then?" "Yes, surely." "We have never caused you any uneasiness, have we?" inquired Jack. "That is to say, inadvertently," added Fritz; "designedly is out of the question." "No, not even inadvertently," replied their mother.