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Updated: August 9, 2024

These two hold-ups, however, turns dep'ty marshals in their old age, an' is put in to stand watch an' watch an' see that Silver Phil don't work loose from his hobbles an' go pirootin' off ag'in into parts onknown. Silver Phil is loaded with fetters, handcuffs an' laig-locks both an' these hold-up sentries is armed to the limit.

"We came late, Sahib, because of the sports; but these have been nearly one hour. Once the police-lóg gave buckshot to those on the roofs. How much use the Sahib can see. Now they have sent a sowar for the Dep'ty Sahib. But these would not hear the Lát Sahib himself. One match will light such a bonfire; but a hundred buckets will not put it out." Roy assented, ruefully enough.

"'The day for the baptizin' is set, an' the Sterett fam'ly comes trackin' in. Thar's two hundred of 'em, corral count. The whole outfit stands 'round while the water is heatin' for to clip the old gent. My father, who is the dep'ty chief an' next in command, is tyrannizin' about an' assoomin' to deal the game.

Well, he's one of these yere murderin' folks, goin' about downin' Mexicans merely to see 'em kick, an' that sort of thing, an' all of which no se'f-respectin' outfit stands. He wins out his name 'Shotgun' them times when he's dep'ty marshal over at Prescott. "'You must be partic'lar an' serve your warrant on a gent before you downs him, says the judge, as he gives Shotgun some papers.

I think plenty too much trouble he make all time for me perform something not nice and get found out about it; and all people say, Oh, yes that old Pete he's at tricks again; he better get sent to Walla Walla, learn some good trade in prison for eighteen years. That b'other-in-law cap the climax! He know all good place to hide from dep'ty sheriff, so not be found when badly wanted the son-of-gun!"

"After he drunk it he handed me back the glass and driv off, sayin' he'd be round later. I took the glass into the house agin and sot it 'longside the bottle on the mantel, and when I turned round there sot the Gov'ment dep'ty. He'd come in, wife said, while I was talkin' with Luke in the road.

Dep'ty sheriff can't find him. That son-of-gun come back next year, raise big fight over one span mules with Injin named Walter that steal my mules out of pasture; and Walter not get well from it so whites say yes, old Pete done that same killing scrape to have his mules again; plain as the nose on the face old Pete do same.

"He did! He did!" Medora bitterly resented this fling at the remoteness of their poor home. "An' he said whilst hyar he'd level on everything in sight, ez he hoped never ter travel sech roads agin everything in sight, even the baby an' the cat!" "Shucks, Medory, ye know the dep'ty man war funnin' whenst he said that about the baby an' the cat!

Now as to the p'ints o' absentees, my business as dep'ty sheriff has took me away from this inconsider'ble town freckwent, hain't it?" "It have, Matt, er somethin' else, more'n I were a expectin', an' " "Jes' so. But a public officer, Pink, when jooty call on him to go, he got to go; in fack he got to goth, as the Scripture say, ain't that so?"

Sneed," he said, with an air of reproach and upbraiding, "do ye mean ter tell me ez ye hev kem up hyar with the sheriff or dep'ty ter nose me out; me, who hev got no home, folks burned my house ter the yearth, namin' me 'horse-thief' an' sech, nor frien's, nor means, nor havin's, plumb run ter groun' like a fox or sech?"

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