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Updated: August 22, 2024

The second dentition itself is an expression of a certain internal secretion wave passing through the cells, an increase of action of some hormones, a decrease of others. And a consciousness of physical sexuality appears, while the outlines of character, hitherto mere tracings, become firmer, heavier, quasi-indelible lines.

Maw and me think they'd look right good in the parlor." Old Stanley's Story They have visitors now and then, Paw and Maw, at their camp. The local old-timers seem to gravitate toward them. One evening I found old man Stanley sitting on a log and talking to them in reminiscent mood about himself, his deeds and his dentition.

The regularity and evenness of the dentition of the 'Anoplotherium', as contrasted with that of existing Artiodactyles, and the assumed nearer approach of the dentition of certain ancient Carnivores to the typical arrangement, have also been cited as exemplifications of a law of progressive development, but I know of no other cases based on positive evidence which are worthy of particular notice.

Owen, Prof., on the Corpora Wolffiana; on the great toe in man; on the nictitating membrane and semilunar fold; on the development of the posterior molars in different races of man; on the length of the caecum in the Koala; on the coccygeal vertebrae; on rudimentary structures belonging to the reproductive system; on abnormal conditions of the human uterus; on the number of digits in the Ichthyopterygia; on the canine teeth in man; on the walking of the chimpanzee and orang; on the mastoid processes in the higher apes; on the hairiness of elephants in elevated districts; on the caudal vertebrae of monkeys; classification of mammalia; on the hair in monkeys; on the piscine affinities of the Ichthyosaurians; on polygamy and monogamy among the antelopes; on the horns of Antilocapra Americana; on the musky odour of crocodiles during the breeding season; on the scent-glands of snakes; on the Dugong, Cachalot, and Ornithorhynchus; on the antlers of the red deer; on the dentition of the Camelidae; on the horns of the Irish elk; on the voice of the giraffe, porcupine, and stag; on the laryngeal sac of the gorilla and orang; on the odoriferous glands of mammals; on the effects of emasculation on the vocal organs of men; on the voice of Hylobates agilis; on American monogamous monkeys.

During dentition children are generally more peevish and fretful than usual, but there should be no general constitutional disturbance. During dentition it is of especial importance to keep the bowels well opened; it is better to have them too loose than costive; constipation at this time greatly increases the tendency to convulsions.

In 1824, Rudolphi demonstrated, by the condition of the dentition, more fully and completely than had been done by his predecessors, that the Orangs described up to that time were all young animals, and that the skull and teeth of the adult would probably be such as those seen in the Pongo of Wurmb.

Thou art not so cruel As human ingratitude. Thy dentition is not so penetrating," etc., etc. No such effect would be produced upon a Frenchman. The translation would strike him as excellent, which it really is.

Buffon speaks of dwarfs 24, 21, and 18 inches high, and mentions one individual, aged thirty-seven, only 16 inches tall, whom he considers the smallest person on record. Virey in 1818 speaks of an English child of eight or nine who was but 18 inches tall. It had the intelligence of a child of three or four; its dentition was delayed until it was two years old and it did not walk until four.

This habit is injurious, and sure to produce pernicious results. The teeth of children should be often examined by the dentist, especially from the beginning of the second dentition, at about the sixth year, until growth is completed. In infancy the mother should make it a part of her daily care of the child to secure perfect cleanliness of the teeth.

If they that look out at the windows be darkened, the optician is happy to supply them with eye-glasses for use before the public, and spectacles for their hours of privacy. If the grinders cease because they are few, they can be made many again by a third dentition, which brings no toothache in its train.

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