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It was not a retreat, he merely drew himself together defensively, holding himself under control with the last supreme effort of his will. The tension snapped suddenly. With a harsh, wordless cry of fury Black Jack tore his six-shooter from its resting-place. But Slevin's right hand stirred in unison and it moved like light.

He has mad blood in him, too. It is only a few years that he has been a saint; before that the Devil held full sway over him. And," he added pensively, after a moment's cogitation, "there are many lessons one learns from the Devil." "You should know," returned Gallito, with his twisting, sardonic smile. "Ah, the Devil is not all bad," said José defensively.

"What I can't see," he observed after a minute during which Miss Florence Hallman studied his averted face, "what I can't see is, where do the settlers get off at?" "At Easy street, if they're lucky enough," she told him lightly. "My business is to locate them on the land. Getting a living off it is THEIR business. And," she added defensively, "people do make a living on ranches out here."

"Think of investing your money?" asked Johnson. "Hardly got used to the idea of having it yet, O' Man." "You'll have to do something with it. Give you nearly twenty pounds a year if you invest it properly." "Haven't seen it yet in that light," said Mr. Polly defensively. "There's no end of things you could put it into." "It's getting it out again I shouldn't feel sure of.

If they look repulsive, they'll be believed to be evil. "Tell me about those patches. They're different sizes and different shapes and they appear in different places. You've none on your face or hands, anyhow." "I haven't any at all," said the girl reservedly. "I thought " "Not everybody," she said defensively. "Nearly, yes. But not all. Some people don't have them.

The ladies were sitting on deck beside the pile of Laura's very superior cabin luggage. Mrs. Simpson glanced at it as if it offered a kind of corroboration of the necessity of their being nice. "There are always a few delightful Christian people, if one takes the trouble to find them out, at this end of the ship," she said defensively. "I have never failed to find it so."

In all this consideration of the potentialities of "a fleet in being" operating defensively it must never be forgotten that we are dealing with its possibilities in relation to a general command of the sea to its general power of holding such command in dispute, as Torrington used it.

Something remotely resembling peace had begun to steal into Percy's soul, when it was expelled by the abrupt opening of the door and the entry of Lady Caroline Byng and his father. One glance at the face of the former was enough to tell Lord Belpher that she knew all. He rose defensively. "Let me explain." Lady Caroline quivered with repressed emotion.

After gaining several victories, however, two hundred thousand men were engaged in carrying on a few sieges and were not gaining a foot of ground. While they threatened France with invasion, they placed fifteen or sixteen bodies of troops, defensively, to cover their own frontier!

"You did your best to convict them of fraud the first jump out of the box," I said, laughing at the recollection of his confusion when I introduced him. "My mistake was a natural one," he said defensively. "They're playing a game of some kind and it's no laughing matter, but it won't take long to find out what they're up to."