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A charge of defamation for a paragraph in the nature of what would now be considered a very mild and pertinent piece of public criticism against a faineant admiral led to imprisonment in the King's Bench Prison, plus a fine of £100. Then came a quarrel with an old friend, Wilkes not the least vexatious result of that forlorn championship of Bute's government in The Briton.

I was every day and every hour assailed with accusations of deeds of which I was wholly ignorant; of acts of cruelty, injustice, defamation, and deceit; of pieces of business which I could not be made to comprehend; with lawsuits, details, arrestments of judgment, and a thousand interminable quibbles from the mouth of my loquacious and conceited attorney.

In the nature of things, reputation is the basis of all honor; if you destroy character, you destroy at the same time its fruit, which is honor. Thus will be seen the double malice of defamation. To defame therefore is to lessen or to annul the estimation in which a person is held by his fellow-men.

It is true that certain poets of the last century have believed it beneath their dignity to pay any attention to the insults and persecution of the public. But though a number have maintained an air of stolid indifference so long as the attacks have remained personal, few or none have been content to disregard defamation of a departed singer.

I think it inconsistent with the nature of our Government that its administration should have power to restrain animadversions on public measures, and for protection from private injury from defamation the States are fully competent.

She threw such a strong bluff about suing him for defamation of character that he came across with two hundred cold to keep her quiet. But don't breathe this to a soul unless they promise not to tell. I wouldn't have it get out that I ever said anything about her for worlds, for, though we are the best of friends, I am leaving her no opening to hand me one.

And this you did, not from a misguided sense of duty towards your country, but in wanton and impure spirit, to be rid of the surveillance of one who had your welfare at heart, and who tried to prevent your leading the immoral life which had become a public scandal, and which has now brought you before this court of justice, to answer to a charge of wantonness, impurity, defamation of character, and corruption of public morals.

"I hope that next time you will wait until you are quite certain," replied Squire Hathorne gruffly. "Do you know that Master Raymond can have his action against you for very heavy damages, for slander and defamation?" "I certainly am very sorry, and humbly beg Master Raymond's pardon," said Jethro, very much alarmed.

Not only no defamation of her but not even an innuendo gained currency in the gossip of the city during the remainder of her term of service. Quite the other way. Her fame as a Vestal whose prayers were sure to be heard, at first a source of natural pride and gratification to her, came to be a burden, even a positive misery.

Secret policy of the government Berghen and Montigny in Spain Debates at Segovia Correspondence of the Duchess with Philip Procrastination and dissimulation of the King Secret communication to the Pope Effect in the provinces of the King's letters to the government Secret instructions to the Duchess Desponding statements of Margaret Her misrepresentations concerning Orange, Egmont, and others Wrath and duplicity of Philip Egmont's exertions in Flanders Orange returns to Antwerp His tolerant spirit Agreement of 2d September Horn at Tournay Excavations in the Cathedral Almost universal attendance at the preaching Building of temples commenced Difficult position of Horn Preaching in the Clothiers' Hall Horn recalled Noircarmes at Tournay Friendly correspondence of Margaret with Orange, Egmont, Horn, and Hoogstraaten Her secret defamation of these persons.