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Now Barbara did not turn her eyes from the garden door through which the man she ardently longed to see usually came, and when it opened and the stout, broad-shouldered leech, with his peaked doctor's hat, long staff, and fine linen kerchief in his right hand advanced toward her, she motioned to the nun and the maid to leave them, and pressed her left hand upon her heart, for her emotion at the sight of him resembled the feeling of the prisoner who expects the paper with which the judge enters his cell to contain his death-warrant.

The Malays who were with him feared a trap, and implored him not to go alone; but the White Man did not fancy that treachery was likely just then, and, in any case, he was anxious for the adventure, and could not afford to let his people think that he was afraid. The man who, dwelling alone among Malays in an unsettled country, shows the slightest trace of fear, signs his own death-warrant.

By what route he should arrive at the distant goal which his greed foresaw, he knew not as yet, but he had said to himself, "One day this property shall be mine." It was the death-warrant of those who owned it.

Is it not a shame that people should not have a voice in the matter of their name, that helpless infants should be abandoned to the tender mercies of some old fogey of a sponsor? Miss Garston, if I were ever to hear you address me by that name it would be the death-warrant to our friendship. 'Let me know who you really are first, and then I will promise not to offend your peculiar prejudice.

At the gate of the town there was a delay which made me nervous, since in such a case as mine delay might always mean a death-warrant. I knew that it was quite possible Cetewayo had changed, or been persuaded to change his mind and issue a command that I should be killed as one who had seen and knew too much.

I have received not less pleasure in hearing of the excellent manner in which you are doing your duty, the assistance you are rendering, and the offers which you are making to my sister, for which I thank you, and request you to continue in the same course." The words were written by the royal hand which had already signed the death-warrant of the man to whom they were addressed.

No, that wouldn't do, because he would at once settle that it was your doing, and then well, I should have signed your death-warrant, Franky. It would be all over with us both, and pretty soon. You first, though, for our people wouldn't stop for a trial. I say: feel afraid? Somehow I don't. Perhaps that will come later on.

They can have no right to call me General; they may as well call me 'Archbishop, for I was Head of the Church as well as of the Army. They might as well have signed my death-warrant at once, for it is impossible a man of my habit of body can live long in such a climate." Having so expressed himself, he wrote a second letter to the Prince Regent, which was forwarded through Lord Keith.

He felt a preternatural consciousness of what was in it; and he shrank from looking at the words, as a condemned prisoner might shrink from reading his own death-warrant. The room was bitterly cold. Fires in bed-rooms were a luxury Stephen had never known. As he sat there, his body and heart seemed to be growing numb together. At last he said, "I may as well read it," and took the letter up.

"I know it; stand by to have the raft hauled alongside. Knock off now, lads, there's no use in pumping any more." The men ceased, with a deep sigh, and by that act the death-warrant of the cable-ship was signed. During the next quarter of an hour the crew were busy slipping down the cable that held the raft.