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After acting the Grecian Daughter for some time I altered my attitude in the last scene, after the murder of Dionysius, more to my own satisfaction: instead of dropping the arm that held the dagger by my side, I raised the weapon to heaven, as if appealing to the gods for justification and tendering them, as it were, the homage of my deed; of course I still continued to vail my eyes and turn my head away from the sight of my victim.

She bore it nearly in the same spirit as Caesar did Brutus's dagger, except that in the former case truth formed the basis, while in hers only wicked malice. The kitchen-maid seems more handy than the former ill-conducted beauty; she no longer shows herself, a sign that she does not expect a good character from me, though I really had some thoughts of giving her one.

He brought a little standard lamp closer, and under its rays studied the two sets of prints closely. He did not need a magnifying-glass to see that none of Grell's finger-marks agreed with the two that were clear on the dagger. Grell leaned back in his chair as though the matter were one of complete indifference to him. "Does that satisfy you, Mr. Foyle?" he asked at last.

I shuddered at the image of the apostate or the maniac. "What? Kill the brother whose existence was interwoven with that of his benefactress and his friend? Then hasten to her chamber, and attempt her life? Lift a dagger to destroy her who had been the author of his being and his happiness? "He that could meditate a deed like this was no longer man. An agent from hell had mastered his faculties.

My dagger had been piercing the empty air; but the feeling and the horror in my soul were not less real because the deed had been one of fancy only. The foregone conclusion was in tny mind, and I well knew that fate would yet bring the victim to the altar. I know not how I reached my dwelling, but when there I was soon brought to a sober condition of the senses. I found everything in commotion.

The pirate at first heard her thus boldly speak with astonishment, and then with rage, which increased till it passed his control. His hand had been clutching his dagger; and, as she uttered these last words, almost, it is to be hoped, before he himself was aware of what he was about, he hurled it with terrific violence at her, uttering a howl like that of a tiger.

It is more certain that, while the Roman senate deemed it beneath its dignity to have the old man hunted out in his last asylum for the tradition which inculpates the senate appears to deserve no credit Flamininus, whose restless vanity sought after new opportunities for great achievements, undertook on his own part to deliver Rome from Hannibal as he had delivered the Greeks from their chains, and, if not to wield which was not diplomatic at any rate to whet and to point, the dagger against the greatest man of his time.

Presently I could see the lattice move noiselessly, and a white face appeared with a boy's blow-gun of pierced bore-tree at its lips. "Alas!" said I to myself, "that I had had these soldiers' skill of the knife throwing. I would have marked that gentleman." But I had not even a bow only my sword and dagger. I resolved to begin to learn the practice of pistol and cross-bow on the morrow. "Plap!

In the breast of the corpse was buried a dagger, of which the golden hilt sparkled in the moonbeams. "Mordaunt! Mordaunt!" cried the three friends; "it is Mordaunt! But Athos! where is he?" Just then the boat gave a lurch, and Grimaud uttered an exclamation of joy.

"Immediately, dear Monsieur Chicot," said Bonhomet, as he darted out of the room. Meanwhile Chicot, who probably had no time to lose, heated at the lamp the point of a small dagger, and cut in the middle of the wax the seal of the letter. This being done, and as there was nothing else to retain the dispatch, Chicot drew it from its envelope, and read it with the liveliest marks of satisfaction.