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I let them scramble down the sloping bank, splash through the mire, and climb half-way up to the gate, before I challenged them. "'Who goes there? said I, in a subdued voice. "'Friends, came the answer. I uncovered my lantern and threw a flood of light upon them. The first was an enormous Sikh, with a black beard which swept nearly down to his cummerbund.

Twenty minutes' severe exertion brought us to a shelf, or rather slope, of rock on the right, sparsely covered with wiry brown grass from which the snow had but very recently gone, and crowned by a crest of stunted pines. Up this we wriggled, I being mainly towed up by my shikari's cummerbund, and, lying under a pine, we peered over the top.

It only lacked that last subtlety which the world always lacks, the last final clinching which puts calm into a sea of fabric, and yet is the opposite pole to machine fixity. But the leading tenor was the chief pain. He was large, stout, swathed in a cummerbund, and looked like a eunuch. This fattish, emasculated look seems common in stage heroes even the extremely popular.

Feel in his cummerbund, Tom Tripe! I saw where the money went!" Promptly into the butler's sash behind went fingers used to delving into more unmilitary improprieties than any ten civilians could think of. Tripe produced the thousand-rupee note in less than half a minute and, whether or not he believed it stolen, saw through the plan and laughed. "Is my name on the back of it?" Yasmini asked.

My eyes were trying to take in the splendid Eastern scenes. Here were figures which had come right out of the Arabian Nights. Was that not Haroun Al Raschid, Commander of the Faithful, disguised as a water-carrier, with a goatskin bottle slung over his shoulder, and great yellow baggy trousers and a striped cummerbund?

Moreover, there was no china collection in that hut, and it would be a long time before I got another chance, so I go ashore again, and, carefully investigating the neighbourhood to make certain there was no human habitation near, I then indulged in a wash in peace. Drying one's self on one's cummerbund is not pure joy, but it can be done when you put your mind to it.

Dawn. The garden was filling with silent armed men. With Ramabai, in the secret gallery, were the chiefs. Ramabai indicated the blazing swords. "My friends, choose among these weapons. The gems are nothing, but the steel is tried and true." Lal Singh selected the simplest, salaamed and slid the scabbard through his cummerbund.

Better come and dine with us, if you've nothing to do, Scott. William, is there any dinner in the house?" "I'll go home and see," was the rider's answer. "You can drive him over at eight, remember." Scott moved leisurely to his room, and changed into the evening-dress of the season and the country: spotless white linen from head to foot, with a broad silk cummerbund.

Wright did "get the drawing" is quite evident from the work he turns out and the position he holds. I have a vivid recollection of an excellent pair of top-boots and a very wide scarlet cummerbund which he used to wear. Another frequent visitor was Archibald Campbell, who afterwards distinguished himself in the war between Russia and Turkey, fighting for the Turks.

"It is on the point of rock on our right front poor old Stuart with my red cummerbund round his head just the same as we left him." The ladies had followed the direction of the Colonel's frightened gaze, and in an instant they were all as amazed as he. There was a black, bulging ridge like a bastion upon the right side of the terrible khor up which the camels were winding.