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He was always seeing that queer, sinister look in Kitely's knowing eyes: it suggested that as long as Kitely lived there would be no safety. Even if Kitely kept his word, kept any compact made with him, he would always have the two partners under his thumb. And for thirty years Cotherstone had been under no man's thumb, and the fear of having a master was hateful to him.

For there was always the risk that whatever he and Mallalieu might do, Kitely, while there was breath in him, might split. A sudden ringing at the bell of the telephone in the outer office made Cotherstone jump in his chair as if the arresting hand of justice had suddenly been laid on him.

He had had his reasons, of course, for this abstraction of a paper which rightfully belonged to Cotherstone. Those reasons were a little difficult to explain to himself in one way; easy enough to explain, in another. As regards the difficulty, Stoner had somehow or other got a vague idea, that evening of the murder, that something was wrong with Cotherstone.

First of all, Cotherstone gives evidence at that inquest: on his evidence a verdict of murder is returned against you! Now Cotherstone's discharged by the magistrates no further evidence being offered against him. Why? So that he can give evidence before the magistrates and at the Assizes against you! That is when you're caught." "They've got to catch me yet," growled Mallalieu.

"Any friend of mine that likes to join us," he said pointedly, "is welcome. Who's coming, like?" There was another hoarse laugh at this, and most of the men there turned their backs on Cotherstone and began to talk loudly.

Cotherstone walked steadily away through the Market Place when he left the barrister. Whatever the men in the big room might have thought, he had not been indulging too freely in the little parlour. He had pressed champagne on the group around him, but the amount he had taken himself had not been great and it had pulled him together instead of intoxicating him.

Cotherstone, in the early hours of the evening, had doubtless thought the whole thing out. He would be well acquainted with his prospective victim's habits. He would know exactly when and where to waylay Kitely.

"A conspiracy, if you like, between Cotherstone and the authorities. Cotherstone, he's got the smartest solicitor in Norcaster and the shrewdest advocate on this circuit you know 'em, Mr. Mallalieu Stilby's the solicitor, and Gradston the barrister and it strikes me it's a put-up job. D'ye see through it?

That was another piece of luck, for Stoner was quite certain that if Cotherstone had ever had any connexion with Wilchester it must have been a long, long time ago: he knew, from information acquired, that Cotherstone had been a fixture in Highmarket for thirty years.

"Is that you, father?" she exclaimed. "What are you doing? Don't you remember you asked Windle, and his friend Mr. Brereton, to supper at eight o'clock. It's a quarter to eight now. Do come home!" Cotherstone let out an exclamation which signified annoyance.