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Updated: August 6, 2024

Hear a member of the League, and of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Mr G. Sandars: "If three loaves instead of two could be got for 2s., in consequence of a repeal of the Corn-laws, another consequence would be, that the workman's 2s. would be reduced to 1s. 4d., which would leave matters, as far as he was concerned, just as they were!!"

Observations on the Effects of the Corn-laws, 1814; Inquiry into the Nature and Progress of Rent, 1815; and The Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn, intended as an appendix to the Observations on the Corn-laws, 1815. Inquiry into Rent, p. 1. Ibid. p. 16. Inquiry into Rent, p. 20. Ibid. p. 18. Ibid. p. 38. Inquiry into Rent, p. 20. Ibid. p. 37.

"If grain be high," said Mr Ricardo, in the House of Commons, "the price of labour would necessarily be a deduction from the profits of stock." "The Corn-laws raise the price of sustenance that has raised the price of labour; which, of course, diminishes the profit in capital." Debates, May 30, 1820. Ib. Dec. 24, 1819.

It is the cunning policy of the heterogeneous opponents of the existing corn-laws, to speak of them as "doomed" by a sort of universal tacit consent; to familiarise the public with the notion that the recent remodeling of the system is to be regarded as constituting it into nothing more than a sort of transition-measure a stepping-stone towards a great fundamental change, by the adoption of "a fixed duty," some say "a total repeal," say the Anti-corn-law League.

Letter fourth was from the steward of the Householder estate. He spoke of the difficulty of getting the rents; a difficulty that he imputed altogether to the low price of corn. He said that it would soon be necessary to relet certain farms; and he feared that the unthinking cry against the corn-laws would affect the conditions.

After the cloth was removed we had a bottle of very good port; and whilst partaking of the port I had an argument with the commercial traveller on the subject of the corn-laws. The commercial traveller, having worsted me in the argument on the subject of the corn-laws, got up in great glee, saying that he must order his gig, as business must be attended to.

I could have been a sight of comfort to him in mathematics." I found the place for him, "New England." "Yes, the farmer takes lots of comfort, walking on the road, foddering cattle, cutting wood." Uncle Jack believes heartily in New England corn, and in the planting and hoeing of Indian corn he takes great delight: not to corn-laws, but to Indian corn, the talk always drifts.

In one of his articles in Tait's Magazine, he seriously proposed that tragedies should be written showing the evils of the Corn-laws, and that on a given night they should be performed in every theatre of the kingdom, so that the nation might, by the speediest possible process, be converted to the gospel of Free-trade.

'We, answer the much-consuming Aristocracy; 'We! as they ride in, moist with the sweat of Melton Mowbray: 'It is we that made it, or are the heirs, assigns and representatives of those who did! My brothers, You? Everlasting honour to you, then; and Corn-laws many as you will, till your own deep stomachs cry Enough, or some voice of Human pity for our famine bids you Hold!"

The democrats were fond of pointing out how much was still wanting towards the restoration of the Sempronian corn-laws in their full extent, and at the same time passed over in silence the fact that under the altered circumstances with the straitened condition of the public finances and the great increase in the number of fully-privileged Roman citizens that restoration was absolutely impracticable.

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