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Why can't you live as I do on salt water and germs, or whatever it is that I do live on? Why don't you try to be more like me?" An oyster has no evil passions, therefore we say he is a virtuous fish. We never ask ourselves "Has he any good passions?" A lion's behaviour is often such as no just man could condone. Has he not his good points also?

He did not stop to condone her weakness; rather he seized it in ecstasy; it was all part of the glad scheme to help the lover. He turned the diamonds so that they flashed and flashed again before her. Then, trusting his happy instinct, he sought for her hand. But she held that back.

Can't face a scandal. Can't ask the gent to go abroad and condone a bigamy. He misstated her age and address; but you can't get home on him for a thing like that.... There you are! Girl spoilt for life. Makes one want to go back to the Oriental system!" Mr. Stanley poured wine. "Damned Rascal!" he said. "Isn't there a brother to kick him?" "Mere satisfaction," reflected Ogilvy. "Mere sensuality.

Grundy, or Ydgrun, in all times and places it is woman who decides whether society is to condone an offence or no." Among the most attractive ladies present was one for whose Erewhonian name I can find no English equivalent, and whom I must therefore call Miss La Frime.

But he was sure that his wrath was just, and had come from sins on her part which it would be unbecoming that he as a man and a husband should condone. And his anger was the hotter because he did not know what those sins were. There had been some understanding, so he thought, between his wife and Sir Francis Geraldine which was derogatory to his honour.

No amount of after manipulation could condone so vicious a slaughter of space and line opportunities which the background, with its reduplicating edge, accomplishes. Study in that vast and changeful realm the sky offers a greater opportunity for selection than any other part of nature. The sky is but one of two elements in every landscape and in the majority of cases it is the secondary element.

Daniel, who was beginning to be rather restive under these restraints, refused to comply, but, as he was a valuable member, it was finally decided here also to condone his offense. Through all those years Lucy Anthony went to Quaker meeting with her husband.

Hawkins's eccentricity only pained her. "Will you let me see you to the foot of the hill?" he said again, after another embarrassing pause. Miss Arnot felt instantly that such an act would condone her trespass in the eyes of the world.

Wishing at the same time to say something that might somewhat condone her conduct, I said: 'I am very sorry, sir, but you see she is only a puppy, and pointed to Rory.

I am afraid it was not before my thought about myself that my moral sense began to operate and my hatred of Pethel set in. Put it to my credit that I did see myself as a mere detail in his villainy. You deprecate the word "villainy"? Understand all, forgive all? No doubt. But between the acts of understanding and forgiving an interval may sometimes be condoned. Condone it in this instance.