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"And what do you make," the Colonel could, at this, always imperturbably enough ask, "of the account you yourself will find in being so much nearer to the Prince; of your confirmed, if not exasperated, infatuation with whom to say nothing of my weak good-nature about it you give such a pretty picture?" To the picture in question she had been always, in fact, able contemplatively to return.

Quickening her pace she bore down upon the colonel with her right hand outstretched, while with the left she held the enormous muff. He had no alternative; it seemed inevitable that he should meet her half-way.

Destiny gave him as the Colonel of his regiment his mortal enemy. Colonel Le Noir found in Captain Zuten a ready instrument for his malignity. And between them both they have done all that could possibly be effected to defeat the good fortune and insure the destruction of Traverse Rocke.

"It is as I expected," he exclaimed bitterly; "my father was right." The letter was from Colonel Armytage, and was couched in almost offensive terms.

But just as the combatants were about to step from the train, the conductor hurried up, and shouted, "You can't get off, gentlemen!" "Why not?" asked the colonel. "We are twenty minutes late, and we shall not stop." "But I am going to fight a duel with this gentleman." "I am sorry," said the conductor; "but we shall be off at once. There's the bell ringing now." The train started.

I told him that, and 'Ernest' came and jumped around when he saw me; but the captain said it couldn't be our dog, because a brigadier-general's name was on the collar, and he wasn't going to let him go; his colonel wanted him. Besides," added the doctor plaintively, "'Ernest' wouldn't follow me." "His colonel!" I repeated, puzzled.

Denise dipped the pen into the ink again, but she did not sign. "Why not?" she asked without looking round, her hand still resting on the paper. "Because," answered Lory, addressing her directly, "Perucca is not yours to sell. It is mine." Denise turned and looked straight at Colonel Gilbert. She had never been quite sure of him. He had never appeared to her to be quite in earnest.

The fair Eugenie, under extenuating circumstances consisting, so far as I could discover of her good looks got off for six years' imprisonment. Colonel Gaillarde recovered some of his brother's money, out of the not very affluent estate of the Count and soi-disant Countess. This, and the execution of the Count, put him in high good humor.

Sherman brought out cake and lemonade to the serenaders, and the girls hung out of the windows as far as they dared, to see what was going on below. "If we only hadn't gone to that horrid old gypsy camp," lamented the Little Colonel, "we might be down there now, having a share of the good time. What are you all laughing at?" she called.

Thomas Newcome held up a finger at Warrington, and he came up to the picture and looked at it; and George and I trolled out: "Adieu for evermore, My dear! Adieu for evermore!" From the picture the brave old Colonel turned to the painter, regarding his son with a look of beautiful inexpressible affection. And he laid his hand on his son's shoulder, and smiled, and stroked Clive's yellow moustache.