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"Thick-head! ain't I down 'ere after this precious Mr. 76?" for Hogarth, if Monarch of the Sun, would have remained for Harris only a glorified 76, Colmoor being for him the reality of the universe, all else mirage, such stuff as dreams are made of.

Whether or not some suspicion of his complicity with O'Hara had occurred to the authorities, he now found himself transferred to another "graft": from quarrying was set to trenching. Four things are inexhaustible in the earth: the hope of a gambler; the sea; the lip of a lover; and the capacity of Colmoor to be trenched and quarried. And in Hogarth's new gang was Fred Bates.

How if all the five hundred should do the like, simultaneously? a possibility underlying, through all its breadth, the little social "system" which has produced Colmoor.

He had, in fact, gone up the lightning-conductor, which runs down a bell-tower remarkably high, Colmoor having been built during the Napoleonic wars for French prisoners at a time when the theory was accepted that a lightning-conductor protects a space whose radius is double the height of the conductor.

They faced each other, alone, save for the body-guard at the circumference of the room. "Was it you that sent me to Colmoor?" Hogarth suddenly asked in a low voice, stooping forward. "Me!" shrieked Baruch Frankl, pointing a hanging sleeve-end to his breast: "as Jehovah is my witness " "Were you about to swear? For ever the same? tyrant and worm? It was you.

It wur a bad day for me as ever I come to Lunnon! I'm Norfolk born, I am: and I had eight sons, which the last was Fred, who, they say, met his death in Colmoor...." At that word, "Fred", Hogarth started: for under the elm in the beech-wood between Thring and Priddlestone Fred had concealed a thing fallen from heaven, which could be sold for a thousand pounds.

Hogarth is robbing from them the land which they have robbed from the British people, and they naturally wish to murder him: but what have you, or I, to do with that? Let the thieves fight it out between them, while we enjoy ourselves, if we can. Weren't we happy in the Mahomet, boy we two? Didn't you roll whole weeks drunk? That was better than Colmoor, eh, Alfie?

An event! a letter in Colmoor, like a shark's fin on the voyages of old sailing ships. It was from Loveday, and concluded with a reference to Hogarth's "poor old grandmother". So Hogarth, who had no "grandmother", propped his forehead to ponder that thing; and presently said: "Oh, it is a cypher".

Sitting in the dust there, he set to chisel out the gems from the porous ore, and as the chisel won the luscious plums, held them up, glutting his gaze, scratched his name on a fragment of window-pane, and was enchanted that the adamant rim ripped the glass like rag: the whim, meanwhile, working in him to purchase Colmoor, to turn the moor into a paradise, the prison into a palace; where his old cell stood in Gallery No.

Beech " "Tut, you do not conceive the man as he is at all", said O'Hara: "perhaps you cannot. High finance, the first day he looked into it, ceased to mystify him, for he goes always to the ground of things, touches bottom, where first principles lie, and first principles are simple as two and two. It was because he had discovered a first principle that he escaped from Colmoor.