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Updated: August 22, 2024

At that the collarless man, who until now had been standing on the top step that led up to the roof, came slowly forward, stepped languidly over a skylight or two, draped his handkerchief over a convenient chimney and sat down, hugging his long, lean legs to him. "Nice up here, isn't it?" he remarked. "It was," said Mary Louise. "Ha!" exploded he, again. Then, "Where's your mirror?" he demanded.

Pale mothers were struggling with fretful babies, or trying to keep their older offspring from the fascination of the track; girls and their "fellows" were giggling and shoving, and passing about candy in sticky bags, and older men, collarless and perspiring, were shifting heavy children from one arm to the other, and keeping a haggard eye on the scattered members of their families.

Child and animal approached steadily, keeping an undeviating course, and presently Dion saw a very small, but sturdy, Greek boy of perhaps ten years old, wearing a collarless shirt, open at a deep brown throat, leggings of some thin material, boots, and a funny little patched brown coat and pointed hood made all in one, and hanging down with a fulness almost of skirts about the small determined legs.

The police whistle chirped again; and then an authoritative voice: "Get around and watch the saloon back of this, Heeney there's a way out through there from this joint." Jimmie Dale, divested of every stitch of clothing that he had worn, pulled a disreputable collarless flannel shirt over his head, pulled on a dirty and patched pair of trousers, and slipped into a threadbare and filthy coat.

A loose, collarless shirt of transparent material worn by men outside the trousers. 2. A thin, transparent waist with flowing sleeves, worn by women. capitan: "Captain," a title used in addressing or referring to a gobernadorcillo, or a former occupant of that office. carambas: A Spanish exclamation denoting surprise or displeasure. carbineer: Internal-revenue guard.

There had been domestic potations; a very fat lady, with a horn comb in her hair, wiped liquid rings off the table with her apron, removing the glasses, while a collarless male person with an agreeable smile and a soft felt hat placed wooden chairs for us in a row.

"Then you've always considered me pretty hideous," she flashed back in annoyance. As she swung round upon the hearthrug, the white fur boa slipped from her throat, and he saw "the necklace of Venus" above the string of opals that edged her collarless lace blouse. "On the contrary I admire you very much when you are in a good humour," he observed in his genial raillery.

He was in an old white jacket, and collarless. "Lady Mary!" he said. "Lady Mary has gone, sir. She and Mr. Justin went yesterday after you called." "Gone!" said I. "But where?" "I think abroad, sir." "Abroad!" "I think abroad." "But They've left an address?" "Only to Mr. Justin's office," said the man. "Any letters will be forwarded from there." I paused upon the step.

The texts on the other walls seemed emanations from him; and the man in the short loose, collarless red coat, with "Salvation Army" in crooked black letters on it, who stood talking in high, rapid tones with his hands folded, had the look of a puppet whose strings were pulled by the personality in the frame above him.

Above this a collarless shirt, blouse or short jacket, ragged, patched, of many faded colors, yet still showing half the body.

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