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Standing up, and with tremulous tones, which none recognised as the once harsh voice of Moses, he said: 'Yo' happen willn't let me co yo' friends because I've bin an enemy to so mony on yo'! But Him as they co'd a friend o' publicans and sinners hes made me His friend, and He's made me a friend on yo' all. I know haa yo' all hated me, and I gave yo' good cause for doin' so.

An' thaa didn't wear shoon noather, thaa wore clogs clogs as big as boats, Mr. Penrose; an' they co'd him Clitter-clatter for a nickname. Hasto forgetten, Malachi? 'Aw wish thaa wouldn't be so plaguey partic'lar, lass, an' let a felley get on wi' his tale, said Malachi to his wife. And then, turning to Mr.

Aw've awlus bin flayed, and never gone near 'em. 'Thaa may thank God as thy lad didn't dee of a fayver. Aw's never forgeet haa th' measter and I watched and listened to aar lad's ravin's. Haa he rached aat wi' his honds, and kept settin' up and makin' jumps at what he fancied he see'd abaat him; and when we co'd him he never knowed us.

I carried thee and suckled thee and taught thee thi prayers in that cheer, and doesn'd ta think as Him we co'd "Aar Faither" is aar Faither still? 'Happen He's yours, mother; but He's noan o' mine. 'Well, 'Manda, if thaa'rt noan His child, thaa'rt mine, and naught shall come 'tween me and thee.

Taken aback, and scarcely knowing how to remove the restraint which the sudden interruption was imposing, she fell upon the instinct of her heart, and said: 'Well, I never! if our Milly isn't reet! Hoo said as how hoo know'd Amanda bed come back. Hoo seed th' leet go aat and co'd aat at th' top o' her voice, "Amanda's come back."

G. Why didn't you speak to her? Th. Aw co'd. Col. G. And she didn't answer? Th. Aw didn't co' leawd. Aw're not willin' to have ony mak ov a din. Col. G. But you followed her surely? Th. Aw did; but aw're noan so good at walkin' as aw wur when aw coom; th' stwons ha' blistered mo fet. An it're the edge o' dark like.

'It's fair like a breath o' th' Almeety. 'Yi; it's comin' fro' th' delectable mountains, for sure it is. I'm just thinkin' it's too fine to go inside this afternoon. 'I'll tell thee what, Matt, I know summat haa that lad Jacob felt when he co'd th' moorside th' gate o' heaven.

If thaa wur a married mon, naa, and bed childer, it 'ud happen be different; but bein' single, thaa sees, th' aatside o' yon threshold is th' reight side for such as thee and me. 'Nonsense, Amos; you are reversing the teaching of the Master. He went after the sinner, did He not? 'Yi, He did; and He lost His repetation o'er it. They co'd Him a winebibber, and a friend o' all maks o' bad uns.