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Updated: August 21, 2024

She began to count with the inexorable regularity of a clock's ticking. In the room every sound was distinct, the rustle of a dress, the grinding of a shoe, the deep, slightly asthmatic breathing of a man. "Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three " She continued to count, while in the methodic unvarying note of her voice there was a rasping reiteration that began to affect the company.

"Bella was dressing," said Miss Nugent, calmly, "and you gave orders yesterday that nobody else was to open the door." "Nobody else when she's available," qualified her father, eyeing her sharply. "When I give orders I expect people to use their common sense. Why isn't my tea ready? It's five o'clock." "The clock's twenty minutes fast," said Kate.

"The kitchen clock's just struck three," whispered Abner. "You haven't forgotten that we are going to run away, have you?" "I'll get right up," said Herbert, rubbing his eyes. In two minutes the boys were dressed and ready for a start. It had taken a great deal longer for Herbert to dress at home, but he had become less particular as to his toilet now.

"Jump up, boys; why it's ever so late, I believe," said Harry. "I'll go and see what time it is. Shrimping day!" Directly after Harry reappeared in Fred's room, and found Philip there. "I say, the clock's stopped in the night; it wants a quarter to four by that old stupid thing on the staircase.

Not one shadow in his pleasant eyes, not a trace of pallor, of care, of that gray aloofness. How jolly, how young he was after all! They discussed, or laughed at, or mentioned and dismissed with a gesture a thousand matters of common interest in that swift hour incredibly swift, unless the hall clock's deadened chimes were mocking Time itself with mischievous effrontery.

I know an instance, too, in which a long, protracted whine, like the whine of a dog, proceeded from a grandfather's clock, prior to any catastrophe in a certain family; another instance, in which loud thumps were heard in a grandfather's clock before a death; and still another instance in which a hooded face used occasionally to be seen in lieu of the clock's face.

Your clock's fast again. Shut up or we'll kill you!" "Oh!" said Penny surprisedly. "Are you sure? I set my watch " "Oh, forget it! You say that every night," was the wearied response. "How the dickens do you think anyone's going to study with that noise going on?" "I'm very sorry, really," responded Penny, "If I'd known " "You never do know, Penny!"

In his despair he had not noticed that the pendulum hung motionless, or that the hands stood at rest on the dial. If he had, he might have waited long enough to have seen the careful opening of the great clock's tall door and the stepping forth of the little lady who had played so deftly upon his superstition.

We hear the ticking of the clock as tick-tock, tick-tock, or else tick-tock, tick-tock, although psychologists assure us that the clock's wheels are moving with indifferent, mechanical precision, and that it is simply our own focusing of attention upon alternate beats which creates the impression of rhythm.

"T' church clock's t' one to go by, anyhow," the sexton's son maintained. His friend guffawed aloud. "And it's a reight 'un to go by too, my sakes! when thee feyther shifts t' time back'ards and for'ards every Sunday morning to suit hissen." "To suit hissen! To suit t' ringers, ye mean!" said the sexton's son.

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