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"Remember Canning's advice to Lord Granville, 'Never write or speak of Indian things without looking at a map." "And the race-hatred is only a part of it. What's really the matter with Bisben Singh is class-hatred, which, unfortunately, is even more intense and more widely spread. That's one of the little drawbacks of caste, which some of your recent English writers find an impeccable system."

Where popularity is won by fawning upon the people, by withholding the truth from them, by writing and speaking down to the lowest tastes, and still worse by appeals to class-hatred, such a popularity must be simply contemptible in the sight of all honest men.

He had raised himself like Lincoln, and had performed a great part in rallying the Unionists of Tennessee. But not to dwell upon the fact that he was drunk when he was sworn in as Vice-President his political creed was that of bitter class-hatred, and his character degenerated into a weak and brutal obstinacy. This man was to succeed Lincoln.

Lasker took hold of him at one end, and I tried to snatch him away from Mr. Lasker as best I could. But where do imputed motives, and class-hatred, and the excitement of misery and suffering lead us? Such behavior comes too near being socialism in the sense in which Mr. von Puttkamer exposed it the other day.

To-day this hatred is masked by the general class-hatred hatred of the monopolists of culture, of position and of capital. At the bottom of it, however, lies even to-day the more universal hatred of the defeated for the victor, and when those three monopolies have fallen, it will emerge in its original Cain-like form. It cannot be appeased by any mechanical device.

I have kept away from all undesirable movements, as my position demands, and I could wish that also you gentlemen would refrain more than heretofore from inciting the classes against each other, and from oratorical phrases which fan class-hatred. This refers especially to those gentlemen who have bestowed their kind attention upon the Government and upon me personally.

Among such I mention the chemical factories, and the mills which with twenty mill hands can do an annual business of several million marks. The great mass of laborers, however, does not work in such establishments, which I am tempted to call aristocratic without wishing to excite any class-hatred. They are in industries where the wages amount to 80 or 90 per cent, of the cost of production.

He who is a teacher or a preacher of class-consciousness, is either consciously or unconsciously generally consciously and intentionally a preacher of class-hatred. There is no more undesirable citizen in any nation than he.

"That the Nile Barrage has doubled the production of corn in Egypt created the possibilities of life for millions of human beings is that nothing?" "My good fellow, do you really think there aren't enough fools on this earth already? Have we too little wailing and misery and discontent and class-hatred as it is? Why must we go about to double it?"

He was a sincere and honest socialist, was Mr. Kirkpatrick, and he had a good healthy class-consciousness and class-hatred. But he also had a large measure of intelligent curiosity.