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And all the time the air flashed with snowballs so big that they looked like the tantalizing silver balls which sometimes occur in the nicest boxes of chocolates.

"Let's see, first, what is in that package, Betty. You said it was a treasure; didn't you?" "Well, that's what I said," admitted Betty. "But it will probably be some more meaningless cipher." "Oh, do open it!" begged Grace. "I'm all on pins and needles " "Thinking it may be chocolates!" teased her brother. She aimed a futile blow at him, which he did not even dodge.

He would put a plum-pudding into every stocking if he could, for like all jolly old gentlemen with nice white beards he loves to think of people enjoying their food. I am not sure that he holds much with chocolates, although he is entrusted with so many boxes that he has learnt to look on them with kindly tolerance. Nothing like turkey for making the beard grow.

"And your father?" "He is in America. I have never seen him. You've lost. Let's begin again." Servien, who felt interested in Madame Ewans because of the superb boxes of chocolates she used to bring to school for her boy, put another question: "You love her very much, your mother I mean?"

On the morrow, as promised, the chocolates arrived, many pounds of them in a lordly box. The bludgeoning of fate had not wholly scotched in Ruth a human weakness for sweets, and it was with a distinct effort that she wrapped the box up again and returned it to the sender.

I don't know whether the situation appalls you as much as it does me " He broke off as he heard the bell ring. "That's David, he said he was coming." Then as David appeared laden with the lost carpetbag and a huge box of chocolates, he waved him to a chair, and took up his speech again.

"I'm beginning to think it just never was," Grace remarked, as she contentedly munched some chocolates that Frank had laid on her altar. "Will is terribly worried about it. He thinks since he is in the secret service that he ought to investigate it." "How can he if there isn't anything to investigate?" asked Betty. And in truth there seemed some reason in her query.

"How many chocolates can you eat at a pinch?" whispered Jackdaw in her ear. "Oh, forty," replied Maggie; "but I should be rather ill afterwards." "We've got some in our pockets. They're a little bit clammy, but you don't mind that?" "I don't want any just now, dear boy; and I'll tell you why. I want to be really starving hungry when the picnic begins."

'You mustn't do things you are forbidden to do, Dora said; but Dicky showed us that there was some more grass beyond the shrubs with only a gravel path between. So I lifted the Princess over the gravel, so that she should be able to say she hadn't walked off the grass. We said we thought not, but she pulled a real silver box out of her pocket and showed us; they were just flat, round chocolates.

But for all that he fretted nervously and did not sleep well that night. Next morning he took his bath. Vandover enjoyed his bath and usually spent two or three hours over it. When the water was very warm he got into it with his novel on a rack in front of him and a box of chocolates conveniently near.