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Evan Dhu exclaimed with some eagerness, after looking at the dragoons, These are the very chields that galloped off at Gladsmuir, before we could kill a dozen o' them. They look bold enough now, however. The priest entreated him to be silent. The sledge now approached, and Fergus, turning round, embraced Waverley, kissed him on each side of the face, and stepped nimbly into his place.

Aweel, to mak a lang tale short, up cam my young Lord Evandale, skelping as fast as his horse could trot, and twenty red-coats at his back. Twa or three chields wad needs fight, wi' the pistol and the whinger in the tae hand, and the Bible in the tother, and they got their crouns weel cloured; but there wasna muckle skaith dune, for Evandale aye cried to scatter us, but to spare life."

'Sell'd! echoed the gipsy, with something like a scream; 'and wha durst buy Ellangowan that was not of Bertram's blude? and wha could tell whether the bonny knave-bairn may not come back to claim his ain? wha durst buy the estate and the castle of Ellangowan? 'Troth, gudewife, just ane o' thae writer chields that buys a' thing; they ca' him Glossin, I think. 'Glossin!

She is lost to me wholly, and for ever; and nothing remains for me now, but vengeance for my own wrongs, and for those which are hourly inflicted on my country." Apparently, Cuddie, though with less refinement, was following out a similar train of ideas; for he suddenly asked Morton in a low whisper "Wad there be ony ill in getting out o' thae chields' hands an ane could compass it?"

Evan Dhu exclaimed with some eagerness, after looking at the dragoons, These are the very chields that galloped off at Gladsmuir, before we could kill a dozen o' them. They look bold enough now, however. The priest entreated him to be silent. The sledge now approached, and Fergus, turning round, embraced Waverley, kissed him on each side of the face, and stepped nimbly into his place.

Here they got on at the rate of nine or ten miles an hour, Dumple seeking no other respite than what arose from changing his pace from canter to trot. 'I could gar him show mair action, said his master, 'but we are twa lang-legged chields after a', and it would be a pity to stress Dumple; there wasna the like o' him at Staneshiebank Fair the day.

Kirsty was a remarkably weel-faur'd woman, and a number o' the farm lads round about used to come and see her, as weel as trades' chields frae about Coldstream and Birgham no that she gied them ony encouragement, but that it was her misfortune to hae a gude-looking face.

'Sell'd! echoed the gipsy, with something like a scream; 'and wha durst buy Ellangowan that was not of Bertram's blude? and wha could tell whether the bonny knave-bairn may not come back to claim his ain? wha durst buy the estate and the castle of Ellangowan? 'Troth, gudewife, just ane o' thae writer chields that buys a' thing; they ca' him Glossin, I think. 'Glossin!

The curate is playing at dice wi' Cornet Grahame. Be eident and civil to them baith clergy and captains can gie an unco deal o' fash in thae times, where they take an ill-will. The dragoons will be crying for ale, and they wunna want it, and maunna want it they are unruly chields, but they pay ane some gate or other.

Flockhart, replied the Gael. 'And will ye face thae tearing chields, the dragoons, Ensign Maccombich? again inquired the landlady. 'Claw for claw, as Conan said to Satan, Mrs. Flockhart, and the deevil tak the shortest nails. 'And will the colonel venture on the bagganets himsell? 'Ye may swear it, Mrs. Flockhart; the very first man will he be, by Saint Phedar.