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It meant a good deal that Harsnett took such a stand. Scot had been a voice crying in the wilderness. Harsnett was supported by the powers in church and state. He was, as has been seen, the chaplain of Bishop Bancroft, now from 1604 to become Archbishop of Canterbury.

'It is a resort of bad characters, I fear, sighed Cargrim, 'and Mrs Mosk, being an invalid, is not able to keep them away. 'What about the landlord, Mr Cargrim? 'Aha! replied the chaplain, turning towards Mrs Pendle, who had asked this question, 'he is a man of lax morals. His boon companion is a tramp called Jentham!

The marriage took place on the appointed day. The Reverend Mr. Rubrick, kinsman to the proprietor of the hospitable mansion where it was solemnised, and chaplain to the Baron of Bradwardine, had the satisfaction to unite their hands; and Frank Stanley acted as bridesman, having joined Edward with that view soon after his arrival.

The Testament I had was presented to me, about the time we left Hartford for the seat of war, by a Vernon lady, and I have it in my possession yet. I prize it still as a great treasure. February 22d, Sunday, Washington's Birthday. Had inspection in the forenoon and in afternoon we had a sermon preached to us by our chaplain, Mr.

A Chaplain in cassock and white surplice moved across the open space and halted in the centre, office in hand: "I am the Resurrection and the Life..." The wind that fluttered the folds of his surplice caught the words and carried them far out to sea over the heads of the living the sea where the others lay who had fought their last fight in that grim battle of the mist.

Nurse Brown, seeing the two talking, nodded approvingly. "That's right," she said, with a smile. "You keep each other company. It passes the time away." Very soon, Ida found herself taking an interest in everything that went on, in the noiseless movements of the nurses, in the arrival of a new case, in the visit of the doctors and the chaplain, and the friends of the other patients.

He looks as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. There was no love lost between the chaplain and the captain, for on several occasions the latter had found Cargrim a slippery customer, and lax in his notions of honour; while the curate, knowing that he had not been clever enough to hoodwink George, hated him with all the fervour and malice of his petty soul.

I append a portion of a table of earnings, prepared a year or two since by the chaplain of the Clerkenwell prison, a thoughtful and earnest worker among the poor, this table ranking as one of the best of the attempts to discover the actual position of the workingwoman at present: "Making paper bags, 4½d. to 5½d. per thousand; possible earnings, 5s. to 9s. a week.

He was at Redhill Reformatory five years, and his last term was five years' penal servitude. The Chaplain at Pentonville advised him it he really meant reformation to seek the Salvation Army on his release. He came to Thames Street, was sent to the Workshop and professed salvation the following Sunday at the Shelter. This is three months ago.

He had burned to have some part in the country's struggle, and became a model chaplain till his labors and exposure broke his health and forced him to resign. The presence of two such men gave some hours of refined social life in the intervals of rough work.