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"If I were, at least, to give her a message, it would look as if I had gone for something." "I have no message that you can give her," added Pao-yue. "If it can't be that," suggested Ch'ing Wen; "I might either take something over or fetch something. Otherwise, when I get there, what excuse will I be able to find?"

Then turning round, she whispered to Ch'ing Wen, She Yueeh, Ch'iu Wen, and the other maids: "Our lady wishes to see one of us, so be careful and remain in the room while I go. I'll be back soon." At the close of her injunctions, she and the matron made their exit out of the garden by a short cut, and repaired into the drawing-room.

"As regards what you say," Ch'ing Wen put in, "wait until Pao-yue comes, and then we can ask him. It's nothing to do with us." The woman gave a sardonic smile. "Have I got the courage to ask him?" she answered. "In what matter doesn't he lend an ear to any settlement you, young ladies, may propose? He invariably agrees to all you say!

A temple, called Temple of the Prince of Ch'ing Ho, was built by them, and the territory of Ling Chou was given to Chang Tao-ling in recognition of the benefits he had conferred upon the people. The Dragon-king's Daughter She said to him: "I am the youngest daughter of the Dragonking of the Tung-t'ing Lake.

Like Kuan Kung, he is shown bearing in his arms a male child indicating a promise of numerous progeny, including literati and famous officials. Consequently he is one of the spiritual beings honoured by the literati. Han Hsiang Tzu His own name was Ch'ing Fu. The child was entrusted to his uncle to be educated and prepared for the public examinations.

You likewise presented me with fresh lichees and relics of writings of Chen Ch'ing. How deep is really your gracious love!

When Ch'ing Wen heard what he wanted done she came accordingly and tucked in the covers, and, putting out her hands, she inserted them under them, and set to work to warm the bedding. "How cold your hand is!" Pao-yue laughingly exclaimed. "I told you to look out or you'd freeze!" Noticing at the same time that Ch'ing Wen's cheeks were as red as rouge, he rubbed them with his hands.

I'm perfectly right in my assertion that when I'm away for any length of time, something is sure to happen." Ch'ing Wen heard these remarks. "Sister," she interposed smiling ironically, "since you've got the gift of the gab, you should have come at once; you would then have spared your master his fit of anger.

Han Yüan Kai is on the mandarin road that connects Chengtu and Ya-chou with the frontier. Here we entered a new magistracy, and it was necessary to send to Ch'ing Ch'i, the district headquarters, for a fresh relay of soldiers.

After Pao-yue had had a couple of mouthfuls, She Yueeh also brought him a small plateful of brown ginger, prepared according to some prescription. Pao-yue put a piece into his mouth, and, impressing some advice on Ch'ing 'Wen, he crossed over to dowager lady Chia's suite of rooms. His grandmother had not yet got out of bed.