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What, Portlethorpe, do you know of Sir Gilbert Carstairs?" Mr. Portlethorpe hesitated a moment. Then he replied, frankly and with evident candour. "To tell you the truth, Lindsey," he said, "beyond knowing that he is Sir Gilbert Carstairs nothing!" Mr. Lindsey made no remark on this answer, and for a minute or two he and Mr. Portlethorpe sat looking at each other. Then Mr.

"Yes, now that I've rubbed it with my finger I am positive of that. As for the middle one, I think it must be either an O or a C, though it's rather hard to say." Deacon Winslow gave a deep sigh. "And our boy's middle name was Carstairs, named after his mother's family!" he hastened to say. Then they exchanged more wondering looks.

"I suppose you haven't heard from her in a long time, as mail from across the water isn't coming with much regularity to this battle field." John smiled again. "And now I'll conclude," said Carstairs, speaking very seriously. "If it is a girl, and I know it is, I hope that she'll smile when she thinks of you, as you've been smiling when you think of her.

The good hand of the Lord be with him and make his remaining years as happy as his past ones have been useful." The other letter, to Rev. John M. Ferris, D.D., was written on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Carstairs Douglas, LL.D., one of the most accomplished and scholarly men ever sent to any mission field: "AUGUST 8, 1877. "By this mail we have sad news to send.

His stoical gravity made Varney smile. "You do a good cigar. That one of yours has one foot in the grave, hasn't it?" "T'ank you, boss." "By the way," he added casually, struck by a thought, "Mrs. Carstairs must live on this street somewhere, doesn't she? Which way?" "Same way as yer party went. Last house on de street Remsen Street. Big white one, up on a hill like."

Melville had, with the powerful assistance of Carstairs, obtained, in spite of the remonstrances of English Tories, authority to assent to such ecclesiastical arrangements as might satisfy the Scottish nation. One of the first laws which the Lord Commissioner touched with the sceptre repealed the Act of Supremacy.

"What must be the feelings of the Emperor and the kings and the princes and the grand dukes and the dukes and the martial professors to know that the German army has been turned back from Paris, just when the City of Light seemed ready to fall into their hands?" "Pretty bitter, I think," said Carstairs, "but it's not pleasant to have the capital of a country fall into the hands of hostile armies.

My dear Luttrell, as you know, you are a guest very welcome to me. But you don't belong. We Maud Carstairs, Tony Marsh and the rest of us even Mario Escobar we are the Come-to-nothings. We are the people of the stage door, we grow fat in restaurants. From three to seven, you may find us in the card-rooms of our clubs we are jolly fine fellows and no good.

Tears sprang suddenly into his fine eyes. "But oh, I have been richly blest, too far beyond my deserts! The night that you were hurt I came quite unexpectedly face to face with Mrs. Carstairs at the cottage. We had a long talk that night a wonderful talk, which gave me a totally new point of view, brought me new light and peace.

The doctor leaned back and examined his finger tips. He had seen what he wanted. "The yacht won't do," he said with decision. "And Norway's out of the question. Much too far. In fact, there's only one place that will do." "Where is that?" said Wentworth. "I don't know yet. Where is it, Mr. Carstairs?"