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Mr. MacFarlane's hired horse did do it like a bird. "I know him, sir," said Carstairs. "Mr. Nappie gave £250 for him down in Northamptonshire last February; bought him of Mr. Percival. You know Mr. Percival, sir?" Frank knew neither Mr. Percival nor Mr. Nappie, and at this moment cared nothing for either of them. To him, at this moment, Mr.

"I'd rather see father first." "I think you had better see Mr. William, sir." "What's the matter, Janet?" asked young Carstairs anxiously. "Is father ill?" "Yes, sir! indeed I think you had bettor see Mr. William at once, Mr. John."

Carstairs was an artist who had made his first great success by painting figures and landscapes in Brittany. He had a studio at Fifty-eighth Street and Sixth Avenue, and was engaged on an historical subject in which there were three figures. One was a knight in full armor, and the other was a Moor, and the third was the figure of a woman. The suit of armor had been purchased by Mr.

Those who were awake recognized them, shook hands and said a few words. They were a taciturn lot. After supper Carstairs and Wharton dropped upon the grass and were soon sound asleep. Scott was inclined to be wakeful and he walked along the edge of the glade, looking anxiously at the sleeping forms.

But during the afternoon, at a time when I had left the office for an hour or two on business, Sir Gilbert Carstairs called, and he was closeted with Mr. Lindsey when I returned. And after they had been together some time Mr.

"Does your father know you are here?" said the Doctor, as he led the young lord back from the school into the house. "He knows I'm coming, for I wrote and told my mother. I always tell everything; but it's sometimes best to make up your mind before you get an answer." Then the Doctor made up his mind that Lord Carstairs would have his own way in anything that he wished to accomplish.

As they were about to swing past John joined Wharton and Carstairs. "We thought you were gone forever this time," shouted Carstairs. "There seems to be a special Providence for you Yankees!" "It's skill, not luck, that counts!" exclaimed Wharton. John joined them, and Bougainville, taking command of the whole battle, directed the charge upon the town.

'When will the fraud be discovered? asked Jane. 'Gilbert Carstairs is quite a good sort, but his wife has very little sense of humour. 'Oh, I left a note all right in the coach-house, answered Toffy, 'and I pointed out to Gilbert that he had no right to encourage burglaries by having inefficient locks on his coach-house doors.

I know him. I was with him before I was taken by the Germans." "It seems that you're about to have a general reunion," said Carstairs to young Scott, as they walked away. "I am, and I'm mighty happy over it. I'll admit that I was rather glad to see you, you blooming Britisher."

"I may at once say that, as far as you and your girl are concerned, I shall be very well pleased." That, at any rate, was satisfactory. And the more he looked at it the less he thought that it need be altogether impossible. If Lord Bracy liked it, and Lady Bracy liked it, and young Carstairs, as to whose liking there seemed to be no reason for any doubt, he did not see why it should be impossible.