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Then I perceived the interpretation of my dreame, by reason that beside the promise of gaine, my white horse was restored to me, which was signified by the argument of my servant Candidus.

See State Trials, vol. xi. p. 339, and Mr. Hargrave's argument. BOSWELL. See ante, p. 87. The motto to it was happily chosen: 'Quamvis ille niger, quamvis tu candidus esses. I cannot avoid mentioning a circumstance no less strange than true, that a brother Advocate in considerable practice, but of whom it certainly cannot be said, Ingenuas didicit fideliter artes, asked Mr.

Guilty and unexperienced, he knew not what course to take: to confess his crime to Candidus, and solicit his interposition, was little less dreadful than to stand before the frown of a court of justice.

For there have been only one or two people who can be described as eloquent not one indeed if Marcus Antonius is to be believed, but scores of persons possess what Candidus calls loquacity, and loquacity and impudence usually go together.

It heeds only what concerns her. Let everything else go as it will. The fleet the same as destroyed, Candidus defeated, Herod a deserter, treason on treason the African legions lost! What in the name of the god who tried to roll back the wheel dashing down the mountain-side! And yet! Let us offer sacrifices, my friend, and hope for better days!"

Let me instance 'candidate. Does it not argue an incurious spirit to be content that this word should be given and received by us a hundred times, as at a contested election it is, and we never ask ourselves, What does it mean? why is one offering himself to the choice of his fellows called a 'candidate'? If the word lay evidently beyond our horizon, we might acquiesce in our ignorance; but resting, as manifestly it does, upon the Latin 'candidus, it challenges inquiry, and a very little of this would at once put us in possession of the Roman custom for which it witnesses namely, that such as intended to claim the suffrages of the people for any of the chief offices of the State, presented themselves beforehand to them in a white toga, being therefore called 'candidati. And as it so often happens that in seeking information upon one subject we obtain it upon another, so will it probably be here; for in fully learning what this custom was, you will hardly fail to learn how we obtained 'ambition, what originally it meant, and how Milton should have written

He bears a model of the gateway to the palace grounds. 11. William Ramsey , Abbot. He was one of the donors of the brass eagle lectern still in use. 12. He built the Lady Chapel. 13. S. Giles, the famous Benedictine Abbot, with his tame hind beside him. 14. Hugo Candidus, the chronicler. 15. Henry of Overton , Abbot. 16. Queen Katherine of Arragon. 17.

When Cuddie, acknowledging his own unworthiness, adds: And throughout this high discourse the homely names of Piers and Cuddie seem somehow more appropriate, or at least touch us more nearly, than Mantuan's Sylvanus and Candidus, as if, in spite of all Spenser owes to foreign models, he were yet conscious of a latent power of simple native inspiration, capable, when once fully awakened, of standing up naked and unshamed in the presence of Italy and Greece.

They were called catechumens, because they were catechised or questioned, and candidates because they wore long white robes, candidus being the Latin word for white, and by degrees the day came to be called Whitsunday.

Fonteius Magnus, one of the Bithynians, replied to me at great length, but he made very few points. Like most of the Greeks, he mistakes volubility for fulness of treatment, and they pour forth in a single breath a perfect torrent of long-winded and frigid periods. Julius Candidus rather wittily says apropos of this that eloquence is one thing and loquacity another.