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A scoundrel, a commercial white slaver, a typical Broadwaycadetwith luring manners, goes to the small town, finds access to the church parlours, is introduced to the girl, and after some courtship he elopes with her and makes her believe that they are correctly married.

"The truth is, a cadet has so much social attention paid to him that it is a wonder more of the fellows are not spoiled." "Are you going to accept any social invitations while you are home?" asked his mother. "That depends," Dick answered. "If invitations come from people who were glad to see me when I was a High School boy here, then I shall try to accept.

He towered over the remaining cadet candidate and glowered at the thoroughly frightened boy. "So," he roared, "I guess this means you're going to handle the power deck in one of our space buckets, eh?" "Yes, very well," came the quavering, high-pitched reply.

During that time they had an average of four sections a day of cadet midshipmen to instruct in the workings of the Pollard type of submarine torpedo boat. During the last few days short cruises were taken on the Severn River, in order that the middies might practise at running the motors and handling the craft.

"It's made of something more substantial than straw." A gleeful roar went up from some of the other "beasts." Lieutenant Gerould eyed them in surprise, for this Army officer was one of the few at West Point who had not already heard of number three sentry's capture. It was a fortnight ere Cadet Prescott could feel really secure against more "joshing" over the incident.

And Cadet Astro is the only one who can tell us." The corpsman turned to his emergency kit. He took out a large hypodermic needle, filled with a clear fluid, and injected it into the big cadet's arm. In less than a minute Astro was sitting up and telling Walters everything that had happened.

"Keep that hose clear, Roger!" ordered Tom. "There's about five feet of sand that he has to dig through and if any of it gets into the hose well " "Don't worry, Tom," interrupted Roger. "I've got the end of the hose right next to the oxygen bottle. He's getting pure stuff!" Soon the big cadet was lost to view. Only the slow movement of the hose and rope indicated that Astro was all right.

My elder brother's grade is no better than mine. My younger brother is only a cadet. This is the fruit of all that my father, my brothers, and I have done. My other brother, whom the Sioux murdered some years ago, was not the most unfortunate among us.

"Orders from the coach on the side lines?" asked Wolcheck as he noticed Strong's action. "You might call it that, Charlie," answered Steve blandly. On the field, the cadet messenger handed Roger the slip of paper, not mentioning that it was from Strong, and hurried back to the stands. "Getting fan mail already?" asked Astro.

"I perceive that you are slyly providing an antidote against the cadet fever. What large building is this?" "The cadet barracks. There are over two hundred young fellows in the building. They have to study, I can tell you, nor can they slip through here as some of us did at college. All must abide the remorseless examinations, and many drop out. There goes a squad to the riding hall.