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Updated: August 6, 2024

The "cabaret," if not carried to an extreme, is therefore a natural, well-founded institution. Congenial company is also naturally advantageous in helping one to enjoy his meals. There has been much controversy as to whether or not one should drink during a meal. I have at all times condemned the usual habit of drinking at meal-time for the purpose of washing down food that is eaten hastily.

After a leisurely breakfast and more love-making under the plane trees in the little garden behind the inn, the pair had to reckon with fact. They must get some money at once: they had only enough loose silver in their two purses to pay the modest charges at the cabaret and buy a litre or two of petrol to get them to Paris.

That gets a muffled gasp out of Piddie which puts him under the spotlight at once, and when he finds we're all lookin' at him he goes through all the motions of a cabaret patron tryin' to sneak past one of Mr. Palmer's agents with something on the hip. If he'd been caught in the act of borin' into the bond safe he couldn't have looked any guiltier. "I er I assure you, Mr.

I had a good place, the procession passed immediately by me, and look you, I recognized in the poor sinner now being led to execution, the elegant gentleman of the cabaret at Etampes! He knew me also and stood still for a moment. 'Sir, said he, 'I dined with you a year ago. The words of an old song gave me notice to leave the cabaret immediately.

And the show was very poor; in fact, after seeing it I made up my mind I was off cabaret stuff for keeps." "You ancient scalawag! What were you doing in a place like that?" "Seeing life as it ought not to be, of course. Your boy Joey took me up there, by the way. In-fer-nal young scoundrel! He showed me the town and we had quite a time together." Joe Gurney's old eyes popped with amazement.

But she knew many of the solos from "Faust," "Rigoletto," and "Carmen"; surely, among musical people, there would be some appreciation of her skill if tested by this class of composition, as compared with the latest rag-time melody or gushing cabaret ballad. Busy with such thoughts, she hastened along the road, until she awoke with a start to the knowledge that she was opposite Gateway House.

Gone, as well, and gone forever is the cabaret of Bruant, him of the line of François Villon now become a place for the vulgar oglings of Cook's tourists taxicabbing along the Boulevard Rochechouart.

There was a little cabaret in the village, in full sight of the chateau gates, and just far enough back from the road to give room for two small tables in front. At one of these tables a man was already sitting, so I took possession of the other and called for a bottle of wine.

But the broker did not fall without a struggle, and his cries brought the people of the cabaret to his assistance. Lestang, the other assassin, who had been set to keep watch at a staircase, sprang from a window and escaped; but Mille and the Count d'Horn were seized in the very act. This crime, committed in open day, and in so public a place as a cabaret, filled Paris with consternation.

He scared Bland Halliday out of a sleep in which his dreams were all of a certain cabaret in Los Angeles dreams which made Bland's waking all the more disagreeable. Johnny tilted the propeller carefully against the rock wall, lighted a match, and cupped the blaze in his palms so that the light shone on Bland. "Where's the lantern? You better get up it's most daylight." "Aw, f'r cat's sake!

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