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When we reached the mouth of the basin, a boat came alongside of us, and a man handed up a piece of wood, and said, "Mettez sur cela le nom du capitaine et du batiment;" we were to perform quarantine. Whoever has performed quarantine can commiserate our condition. No one can quit the quarantine ground, or rather the space in the harbour alloted to vessels performing quarantine.

A Ayne je passai la Marisce sur un gros bâtiment, et me rendis

The fog, which had still continued thick to leeward, now began to clear away; and, as the bank dispersed, the Marquis de Fontanges, who was standing on the poop by the side of Newton, cried out "Voila un batiment!" Newton looked in the direction pointed out, and discovered the hull of a vessel looming through the fog, about a quarter of a mile to leeward of the Windsor Castle.

Le Compte, all his officers, and not a few of his men, had been prisoners, some time or other, in England, and there was no difficulty in carrying on the negotiations in our mother tongue. "Votre batiment your sheep, shall become French bien entendu" commenced our captor "vid her cargaison rig, and tout cela. Bien; c'est convenu. I shall not exact rigueur in mes conditions.

"Eh bien, mademoiselle?" said Eve tremulously, after a long pause. "C'est deja fini. Les Arabes se retirent et nos amis se sont empares du batiment. Cela a ete l'affaire d'un moment, et que le combat a ete glorieux! Ces jeunes gens sont vraiment dignes d'etre Francais, et le vieux capitaine, aussi.

"No one understands English but me but they are suspicious: be careful. What is your name?" "John Collins." "Comment?" said the French amanuensis, "John Co lin. C'est bien; continuez." "What is your rank and in your Lodge?" "Common seaman master," answered Collins, adroitly. "Comment?" said the party with his pen. "Matelot," replied the interpreter. "Demandez-lui le nom du bâtiment."

"No one understands English but me but they are suspicious; be careful. What is your name?" "John Collins." "Comment?" said the French amanuensis, "John Co-lin. C'est bien; continuez." "What is your rank and in your Lodge?" "Common seaman master," answered Collins adroitly. "Comment?" said the party with his pen. "Matelot," replied the interpreter. "Demandez-lui le nom du batiment."

II y a aussi un autre bâtiment miraculeux qu'on a changé en église. C'étoit auparavant une maison de Juifs. Un jour que ces gens-l

I shall send you to Brest, vere, if you be not sold par un décret, I shall be too happy to restore votre batiment Allons!" Here was a dénouement to the affair, with a vengeance! I was to be captured, because I had been captured. "Once a corporal, always a corporal." As the English had taken me, the French would take me. A prize to-day, you must be a prize to-morrow.

The material was of stone, the low cliff on which it stood supplying enough of an excellent quality; and the shape of the main corps de batiment as near a square as might be. Each face of this part of the constructions offered five windows to view, this being almost the prescribed number for a country residence in that day, as three have since got to be in towns.