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As we entered the porte-couchere, my friend Michael passed me, and as he took off his hat in salutation, gave me one rapid glance of his knowing eye that completely satisfied me that Hobson's pride in my friend's carriage had by that time received quite sufficient provocation to throw him into an apoplexy. "By-the-by," said I, "let us see your carriage.

"And my unassuming appearance assures you that I'm not?" said he, smiling. "If you were a gransignore," she instructed him, "you would never be such friends with me you would be too proud." John laughed. "You judge people by the company they keep. Well, I will apply the same principle of judgment to your gossip, Maria Dolores. By-the-by," he broke off to inquire, "what is her Pagan name?"

"Nor ought it, seeing that a single trial for murder will occupy a court for three weeks. He should have asked Von Bauhr how much work he usually got through in the course of a sessions. I don't seem to have lost much by being away. By-the-by, do you happen to know whether Round is here?" "What, old Round? I saw him in the hall to-day yawning as though he would burst." And then Mr.

By-the-by, Bracewood Forest what about the enclosure? I have heard no more of it." Then, murmuring to himself "Grentham Wood how well I remember Grentham Wood, with his dear father!" "If we could sign today," said the visitor in a tone of professional cajolery; "time is important." "And if shall not be wasted," replied the cardinal. "But I must look over the accounts.

When the weather was not fine enough for them to be out of doors, Abel would play with his charge in the round-house, and the windmiller never drove him out of the mill, as at one time he would have done. Now and then, too, he would pat the little Jan's head, and bestow a word of praise on his careful guardian. It may be well, by-the-by, to explain what a round-house is.

It really is no more than that.... By-the-by!..." "What?" "Do you know what was in the letter that upset her so? The old Granny did not say what was in it, and charged me to say nothing to her daughter." The doctor had all but said: "To their daughter!" "I know what was in the letter."

No scenes, no noise; nothing painful by-the-by, the little creature that writes in the papers, and calls calamities PAINFUL, is of Lusignan's breed. Out to-day! of course he was out, ma'am: he knew from me his daughter would be in peril all day, so he visited a friend. He knew his own tenderness, and evaded paternal sensibilities: a self-defender. I count on no help from that charming man."

"By-the-by, did your uncle ever ask what you did with that half-crown?" "No; but he will next week, at the January fair. He will be sure to ask then. What a shame of the boys to say so, when I forgave " He remembered, just in time, that he had better not boast, or speak aloud, of having forgiven Lamb his debt in secret.

These Alexanders, by-the-by, are not an old family on the Ballochmyle estate; the father of the lass having made a fortune in trade, and established himself as the first landed proprietor of his name in these parts. The original family was named Whitefoord.

"We dispensed with them. She saw at once it was to be business, not sentiment. You are to pay her one more visit, to sign, and part friends. If you please, I'll make that appointment with both parties, as soon as the deed is engrossed. Oh, by-the-by, she did shed a tear or two, but she dried them to ask me for the ponies and the brown mare." Sir Charles's vanity was mortified.