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A market woman homeward bound with her empty truck-wagon, recognizes my road-rights to the extent of barely room to squeeze past between her wagon and the ditch; and holds her long, stiff buggy-whip so that it " swipes " me viciously across the face, knocks my helmet off into the mud ditch, and well-nigh upsets mo into the same.

Ken heard many things said of him, curiously, wonderingly, doubtfully, and he tried not to hear more. Then he commenced to pitch to Dean. Worry stood near him and kept whispering to hold in his speed and just to use his arm easily. It was difficult, for Ken felt that his arm wanted to be cracked like a buggy-whip. "That'll do," whispered Worry.

It was farm-bred and fat and tender; and White Fang licked his chops and decided that such fare was good. Later in the day, he chanced upon another stray chicken near the stables. One of the grooms ran to the rescue. He did not know White Fang's breed, so for weapon he took a light buggy-whip. At the first cut of the whip, White Fang left the chicken for the man.

The Boss used for to go over there with a dinky fish-pole like a buggy-whip about once a week, and scout that stream for fish and bring back a basketful. He was sure keen on it, and had bought some kind of privilege or other, so as he could keep other people off.

The little six-ounce tip now looked like a buggy-whip that was old and worn out. After that nothing happened for quite a little spell. We had opportunity to get rested. Presently R. C. had a sailfish tap his bait and tap it again and tug at it and then take hold and start away. R. C. hooked him and did it carefully, trying not to put too much strain on the line.

I reached out and swept the considerable sum toward me, and, pocketing it, I too rose, ready for what might come. "You-all give me elbow room!" yelled Steele at Martin and his cowed contingent. Steele looked around, evidently for some kind of implement, and, espying a heavy ax in a corner, he grasped it, and, sweeping it to and fro as if it had been a buggy-whip, he advanced on the faro layout.

'Hold up, Marthy, says I; 'set right where you air; I'll open the gate fer you, and I'll do anything else fer you in the world 'at you want me to! " 'W'y, what's pleased YOU so? she says, laughin', as she druv through slow-like and a-ticklin' my nose with the cracker of the buggy-whip. 'What's pleased YOU? " 'Guess, says I, jerkin' the gate to, and turnin' to lift her out.

Everywhere he went, Jones was hailed by friends, for everybody seemed to know him and to want to shake his hand. "SOME town and SOME body of men, eh?" he inquired, finally, and Dave agreed: "Yes. She's got a grand framework, Blaze. She'll be most as big as Fort Worth when you fatten her up." Jones waved his buggy-whip in a wide circle that took in the miles of level prairie on all sides.

He pointed with the stub of a buggy-whip: "About there is where four horses on a coal-wagon run away and went over. Two was killed and one was crippled so they had to shoot it." "Oh, how dread-ful!" Aunt Lizzie exclaimed, nervously. Miss Mercy's contralto voice boomed at him: "What happened to the driver?"

There was that feeling of desolation in the land that remains after armies have passed over, let them tread never so lightly. "D'you know what them rails is put that way fur?" asked the man. He pointed down with his buggy-whip just off the roadside, first on one hand and then on the other.