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Updated: August 11, 2024

The relief was so great that Bathurst turned away, unable for a while to continue the conversation. When he resumed the talk, he asked, "Did you see them yourself, Rujub?" "I saw them, sahib; they were brought in on a gun carriage." "How did they look, Rujub?" "The old one looked calm and sad. She did not seem to hear the shouts of the budmashes as they passed along.

"The only risks I'm likely to take would be for her safety. I wish to Heaven Ratcliffe could be made to see the danger they are in." Max smiled a little. "I've been talking to him. We touched on that point. He knows rather more on the subject than we do." "But he makes light of it," Noel protested. "The place is infested with budmashes and he rather encourages them than otherwise.

Gungapur, whose history became an epitome of that of certain other isolated cities, was for a few short weeks an intermittently besieged garrison, a mark for wandering predatory bands composed of budmashes outlaws, escaped convicts, deserters, and huge mobs drawn from that enormous body of men who live on the margin of respectability, peaceful cultivator today, bloodthirsty dacoit to-morrow, wielders of the spade and mattock or of the lathi and tulwar according to season, circumstance, and the power of the Government; recruits for a mighty army, given the leader and the opportunity the hour of a Government's danger.

When Bobby Fraser joined her, she was so plainly nervous that he could not fail to remark it. He led her to a quiet corner above the garden that was sheltered from the throng by flowering tamarisks. "I say," he said, "I hope you are not letting yourself get scared by these infernal budmashes. The reports have all been immensely exaggerated as usual." "I am not at all scared," she told him.

Formerly known as Jaun Bazaar Street, a place of ill repute and the resort of some of the worst characters and budmashes in Calcutta. It was a dirty, filthy, narrow sort of lane having no side-paths and the houses being built most irregularly and without any attempt at symmetry or alignment. In fact it had altogether a most disreputable and evil appearance.

"Well, we haven't got any budmashes in England," said Glyn merrily, as he began to inspect the emeralds again and took out his handkerchief to rub off a finger-mark or two and make the gems send off scintillations of sunlight which formed jack-o'-lanterns on the ceiling. "But we have plenty of blackguards who would like to get a chance to carry it off."

When we turn from the coppersmiths' bazaar into the secluded bazaar where the money changers dwell, the two grooms in charge of the mules will be assailed by budmashes and beaten with sticks. I, too, will be knocked down and my clothes torn; but do not worry on my account. "I gave a cheerful nod to signify that his anxiety on this score might be set at rest.

The drive was not a long one, and the road was full of parties going to or returning from Bithoor groups of Sepoy officers, parties of budmashes from Cawnpore, mounted messengers, landowners with their retainers, and others. Arriving within a quarter of a mile of the palace, Rujub ordered the boy to draw aside. "Take the horse down that road," he said, "and wait there until we return.

You are too big and strong to pass without notice in that peasant's dress. The one I have brought you is such as is worn by the rough people; the budmashes of Cawnpore. I can procure others afterwards when we see what had best be done.

The city was simply swarming with budmashes, and it was said that the priests had begun to preach a jehad against the British raj. Then there was a bomb found on the parade-ground one night, close under the fort. It would have blown a good many of us sky-high if it had exploded, and damaged the fort as well. Badgers was quite indignant.

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