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'How do you do, Miss? he said, extending his hand, and greeting me after his ungallant fashion, as if it were an afterthought. 'I think I may as well take a chair, sir, said Doctor Bryerly, sitting down serenely, near the table, and crossing his ungainly legs. My uncle bowed. 'You understand the nature of the business, sir. Do you wish Miss Ruthyn to remain? asked Doctor Bryerly.

'And to whom, said Lady Knollys, with an effort, 'will the property belong, in case in case my little cousin here should die before she comes of age? 'Eh? Well wouldn't it go to the heir-at-law and next of kin? said Doctor Bryerly, turning to Abel Grimston. 'Ay to be sure, said the attorney, thoughtfully. 'And who is that? pursued my cousin. 'Well, her uncle, Mr. Silas Ruthyn.

'But seriously, sir, what do you propose? asked Doctor Bryerly, sternly and a little flushed, for I think the old man was stirred within him; and though he did not raise his voice, his manner was excited. 'I propose to defend my rights, sir, murmured Uncle Silas, very grim. 'I'm not without an opinion, though you are.

Bryerly, to whom I had promised the key, but in accordance with my father's written directions, his death was forthwith published in the principal London papers. He came at midnight, accordingly, and on the morrow the will was read.

'But don't you think he must know that Milly would require some little outfit before her visit? 'Well, I can't say. I hope that is all; but be it what it may, I'll make him let you come, and immediately, too. After she had gone, I experienced a repetition of those undefined doubts which had tortured me for some time after my conversation with Dr. Bryerly.

'Very good, ma'am very good, said Doctor Bryerly, as he fumbled the key into the lock. Cousin Monica could not forbear murmuring 'Dear! what a brute! The junior partner, with his dumpy hands in his pocket, poked his fat face over Mr. Grimston's shoulder, and peered into the cabinet as the door opened. The search was not long.

'Of Doctor Bryerly, I know that he is sly, that he loves money, was born poor, and makes nothing by his profession. But he possesses many thousand pounds, under my poor brother's will, of your money; and he has glided with, of course a modest "nolo episcopari," into the acting trusteeship, with all its multitudinous opportunities, of your immense property.

Doctor Bryerly was advancing, as it seemed, to shake hands with Uncle Silas, who, however, rose with a severe and haughty air, not the least over-acted, and made him a slow, ceremonious bow. I wondered how the homely Doctor could confront so tranquilly that astounding statue of hauteur. A faint and weary smile, rather sad than comtemptuous, was the only sign he showed of feeling his repulse.

If it involved a risk of a little money, you would not mind it; but men are such odd creatures they measure all sacrifices by money. Doctor Bryerly would look just as you describe, if you were doomed to lose 500l., and yet it would not kill you.

My uncle sneered. 'I mean, sir, there has been no undue canvass for evidence, and the question is simply one of right; and it is our duty to see that this inexperienced young lady is not defrauded. 'By her own uncle? 'By anyone, said Doctor Bryerly, with a natural impenetrability that excited my admiration. 'Of course you come armed with an opinion? said my smiling uncle, insinuatingly.