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It approached. Braintop's eyes were in waiting on Emilia, who looked sadly at the empty orchestra. A gentleman in the stalls, a head beneath her, bowed, and holding up a singular article, gravely said that he had been requested to pass it. She touched Mr. Pole's shoulder. "Eh? anything funny?" said he, and glanced around.

"Well, here I am," was instantaneously answered; her waist was clasped, and her forehead was kissed. The madness of Braintop's libertinism petrified her. "Ye've taken such a liberty, sir 'deed ye've forgotten yourself!" While she was speaking; she grew confused with the thought that Braintop had mightily altered both his voice and shape.

Chump was struck with a notion that Braintop's sinfulness in working on a Sunday, or else the shortness of the prayer he had put up to gain absolution, was the cause of his lack of ready wit. Hearing that he had gloves, she told him to go to church, listen devoutly, and return to luncheon. Braintop departed, with a sensation of relief in the anticipation of a sermon, quite new to him.

A looking-glass for their pockets! ha! ha! hooh!" Luckily the farce demanded laughter, or those parts of the pit which had not known Braintop would have been indignant. Mr. Pole became more and more possessed by the fun, as the contrast of Braintop's abject humiliation with this glaring testimony to his conceit tickled him. He laughed till he complained of hunger.

Chump cried out, "Ye're kind to wait upon the young man, Mr. Wilfrid; and that Mr. Braintop's an invalu'ble young man. And what do ye want with the hotel, when we've left it, Mr. Paricles?" The Greek raised his head from Mr. Pole, shrugging at her openly. He and Wilfrid then measured eyes a moment. "Some champagne togezer?" said Mr. Pericles.

Braintop's spirited reply, "Not at all," was corrected to: "She did not cry;" and further modified: "That is, she called out sharply when I whistled an opera tune." Lady Charlotte put a stop to the subject by rising pointedly. Watch in hand, she questioned the ladies as to their occupations, and told them what time they had to dispose of.

I had to see him on urgent business; that is why I took this liberty," he said, and retreated. Braintop was still there, quietly posted, performing upon his head with a pocket hair-brush. Wilfrid put Braintop's back to the light, and said, "Is my shirt soiled?" After a short inspection, Braintop pronounced that it was, "just a little."

I had to see him on urgent business; that is why I took this liberty," he said, and retreated. Braintop was still there, quietly posted, performing upon his head with a pocket hair-brush. Wilfrid put Braintop's back to the light, and said, "Is my shirt soiled?" After a short inspection, Braintop pronounced that it was, "just a little."

Braintop's spirited reply, "Not at all," was corrected to: "She did not cry;" and further modified: "That is, she called out sharply when I whistled an opera tune." Lady Charlotte put a stop to the subject by rising pointedly. Watch in hand, she questioned the ladies as to their occupations, and told them what time they had to dispose of.

But when he gave her the letter, she drew him aside, and read it by the aid of lighted matches held in Braintop's hat drawing in her fervent breath to a "Yes! yes!" at the close, while she pressed the letter to her throat. Presently the singing began in an upper room, that had shortly before flashed with sudden light. Braintop entreated Emilia to go in, and then rejoiced that she had refused.