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It was like the stories of knights who used to jump into lions' dens after gloves!" "Yes?" said Sam, a little vaguely. The resemblance had not struck him. It seemed a silly hobby and rough on the lions, too. "It was the sort of thing Sir Lancelot or Sir Galahad would have done! But you shouldn't have bothered, really! It's all right now." "Oh, it's all right now?" "Yes.

Of course, I was confident I could have knocked him out as handily as Bucko Lynch, himself, but I knew it was not fear of me, but obedience to Boston's words that caused Blackie to give in so readily. Those words bothered me. "Do you want to crab the whole game?" Now what the deuce did Boston mean? What game were these two worthies up to?

Ganns turned to his notebook, wrote swiftly into it, tore out the page, and handed the solution to his companion. Brendon read: G O D Omega Alph A D O G "If you know Knut Hamsun's stories, then you guess it instantly. If not, you might possibly be bothered," he said, while Brendon stared.

Long afterward when they talked the matter over, DeMille claimed that the only thing that bothered him that night was the effort to decide whether the club of which he and Monty were members would put in the main hallway two black-bordered cards, each bearing a name, or only one with both names. Mr.

I had a wonderful celebration on my seventieth birthday in December; poems written, cakes with seventy candles sent, and a great spontaneous gathering in my honor, which really bothered me not a little, for I do not pose worth a cent, and do not know where to look or what to do when people compliment me. However, one thing gratified me above all others.

Bothered about Sidricstone till one. Got away at last with an old fox, and over the downs into the vale. I think Mr. Stangrave liked it?" "Mr. Stangrave likes the vale better than the vale likes him. I have fallen into two brooks following, Claude; to the delight of all the desperate Englishmen." "Oh! You rode straight enough, sir! You must pay for your fun in the vale: but then you have your fun.

If Robert Brent bothered with half the affairs that are credited to him, he'd have no time or strength not to speak of brains to do plays." "I guess even the busiest man manages to fit a woman in somehow," observed Susan. "A woman or so." Sperry laughed. "I guess yes," said he. "But as to Brent, most of the scandal about him is due to a fad of his hunting for an undeveloped female genius who "

It was long of body and seemed to have no wings, and yet it sailed about overhead as majestically and easily as an eagle could have done. "What sort of a bird is it?" inquired Sweetest Susan, pointing out the object to Mrs. Meadows. "Now, really, I don't know," was the reply. "They are so high in the sky and I've seen them so often that I've never bothered my head about them." Mr.

Now don't ask any more questions, but beat it." And so the scout who had never bothered his head about the more serious side of scouting sat on the log watching the little fellow as he followed those precious tracks a little further so that there might be no shadow of doubt about his fulfilling the requirement.

"I hadn't even thought of you in that way," said she. "I haven't bothered my head about marriage. Of course, most girls have to think about it, because they must get some one to support them " "I wish to God you were one of that sort," interrupted he. "Then I could have some hope." "Hope of what," said she disdainfully.