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It was a great pleasure to be alone with Kate in the open air, walking by her side, escorting her, and telling her as they walked all he knew about Blackpool: that it bore the same relation to the other towns of Lancashire as the seventh day does to the other six of the week; that it was the huge Lancashire Sunday, where the working classes of Accrington, Blackburn, Preston, and Burnley, during a week or a fortnight of the year, go to recreate themselves.

A strip of sand at the foot of the esplanade furnishes the children with a somewhat restricted playground. The shops are good, the accommodation plentiful, and in amusements the town can almost vie with Blackpool and Brighton. In a mushroom-town like Weston there are naturally not many antiquities.

Mr Roberton, moreover, advises that the child should be sent away at once from home, either to a bracing sea-side place, such as Blackpool or Fleetwood; or to a mountainous district, such as Buxton.

There was a meeting at Brescia where Curtiss again took first prize for speed and Rougier put up a world's height record of 645 feet. The Blackpool meeting followed between 18th and 23rd of October, 1909, forming, with the exception of Doncaster, the first British Flying Meeting.

Let's go with Leslie and Dubois and Montgomery; they're the quietest. Let me introduce you to Miss Leslie. Miss Leslie Mrs. Ede, a lady I'm escorting to Blackpool; you two have a chat together. I'll be back in a minute. I must go after Hayes; if I don't he may forget all about the tickets. 'I'm afraid you'll find us a very noisy lot, Mrs.

If in your sympathy for Mr. Rouncewell you call Dickens the champion of a manly middle-class Liberalism against Chesney Wold, you will suddenly remember Stephen Blackpool and find yourself unable to deny that Mr. Rouncewell might be a pretty insupportable cock on his own dung-hill.

She had sunk down into an arm-chair, and Rainham stood, his stooping shoulders propped against the mantelpiece, smiling down at her. "Yes, I remember Miss Murison; and so you are glad her reign has come to an end, Eve? Well, I suppose it is natural." She nodded her pretty head. "Just a little, Philip. But how tired you look! Will you have some tea? I suppose you have just come from Blackpool?"

He drew up a placard, offering Twenty Pounds reward for the apprehension of Stephen Blackpool, suspected of complicity in the robbery of Coketown Bank on such a night; he described the said Stephen Blackpool by dress, complexion, estimated height, and manner, as minutely as he could; he recited how he had left the town, and in what direction he had been last seen going; he had the whole printed in great black letters on a staring broadsheet; and he caused the walls to be posted with it in the dead of night, so that it should strike upon the sight of the whole population at one blow.

He suffers twice as much as the child from the infliction of the pain. The All-Father, being at once all-knowing and all-loving, can see the end of the education while we only see it in process, and perhaps exclaim: 'What a frightful state of things, or like your favorite 'Stephen Blackpool, 'It's all a muddle." "And the end you consider to be perfection, and eternal union with God.

Now, the best plan would be for us to live apart, let us say for six months or so, until you've entirely got over your little weakness, you know; and then why, then we'll be as happy as we used to be at Blackpool in the dear old times long ago. 'Oh, Dick! don't say that I must wait six months; I might be dead before then. But you're not speaking the truth to me.