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I am perfectly serious. And besides, your father, while he in a manner prohibits me from returning to Edinburgh, gives me the strongest reasons for continuing a little while longer in this country, by holding out the hope that I may receive from your old friend, Mr. Herries of Birrenswork, some particulars concerning my origin, with which that ancient recusant seems to be acquainted.

'In this very house, and under the guardianship of his uncle, whom I believe you knew as a visitor of your father, under the name of Mr. Herries of Birrenswork. 'Let me hasten to him, said Fairford; 'I have sought him through difficulties and dangers I must see him instantly. 'You forget you are a prisoner, said the young lady.

'To save you further trouble, this person's designation is Herries of Birrenswork. 'Of Birrenswork? said Mr. Crosbie; 'I have you now, Mr. Alan. Could you not as well have said, the Laird of Redgauntlet? Fairford was too wary to testify any surprise at this identification of names, however unexpected. 'I thought, said he, 'he was more generally known by the name of Herries.

Do not leave them in the lock you know poor James's failing, though he is an honest creature under all other temptations and I have but two bottles of the old brandy left we must keep it for medicine, Alan. Away went I made my preparations the hour of dinner came, and so did Mr. Herries of Birrenswork.

Herries of Birrenswork, mentioned in the Secretary of State's warrant? said Mr. Foxley. 'How can I deny or own anything about it? said Herries, with a sneer. 'There is no such warrant in existence now; its ashes, like the poor traitor whose doom it threatened, have been dispersed to the four winds of heaven. There is now no warrant in the world.

Birrenswork says that he believes he was very familiar with your father, whom he states to have been called Ralph Latimer of Langcote Hall, in Westmoreland; and he mentioned family affairs, which it may be of the highest importance to you to be acquainted with; but as he seemed to decline communicating them to me, I could not civilly urge him thereanent. Thus much I know, that Mr.

'I tell you, fellow, said Herries, yet more fiercely, 'you have confused me with some of the other furniture of your crazy pate. 'Speak like a gentleman, sir, answered Peebles; 'these are not legal phrases, Mr. Herries of Birrenswork. Speak in form of law, or I sall bid ye gude day, sir.

'He is well entitled, said my father, 'representing Herries of Birrenswork; a branch of that great and once powerful family of Herries, the elder branch whereof merged in the house of Nithesdale at the death of Lord Robin the Philosopher, Anno Domini sixteen hundred and sixty-seven. 'Has he still, said I, 'his patrimonial estate of Birrenswork?

'I had no desire to intrude, sir, replied Alan; 'the lady's situation seemed to require assistance and but have I not the honour to speak to Mr. Herries of Birrenswork?

Redgauntlet is sometimes, he said, 'called Herries of Birrenswork; perhaps you may know him under that name. 'Friend, you are uncivil, answered Mr. Trumbull; 'honest men have enough to do to keep one name undefiled. I ken nothing about those who have two. Good even to you, friend.