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Updated: August 10, 2024

They tell some strange stories ab-out them and that 'ouse; cruelty to slave', intrigue with slave', duel' ab-out slave'. Maybe tha'z biccause those iron bar' up and down in sidewalk window', old Spanish fashion; maybe biccause in confusion with that Haunted House in Royal Street, they are so allike, those two house'. But they are cock-an'-bull, those tale'. Wha's true they don't tell, biccause they don' know, and tha'z what I'm telling you ad the present.

Mebbe it's goin' be you, m'sieu; mebbe it's goin' be him; I can't tell yet, but I'm hope an' pray it's goin' be you, biccause I t'ink w'at you say is a lie, an' nobody can spik dose kin' of lie 'bout Necia Gale." He went crashing blindly through the underbrush, his head wagging, his shoulders slumped loosely forward like those of a drunken man, his lips framing words they could not understand.

"A thousan' time'," the ironworker replied, mused a bit, and added: "My frien', you are a so patient listener as I never see. Biccause I know you are all that time waiting for a differen' story. And now I shall tell you that?" "Yes, however it hits me I've got to know it." "Well, after that, a year and half, I am born. I grow up.

"Biccause I'm pilot myse'f." "Oh, I see! You're one of the GOOD ones." Danny's air was surly, his tone forbidding. "Yes." "Hate yourself, don't you? I s'pose you want his job. Is that it? No wonder five hundred seeds for fifteen minutes' work. Soft graft, I call it." The speaker laughed unpleasantly. "Well, what does a GOOD pilot charge?" "Me?" The Canadian shrugged indifferently.

Chezter, the mother of Mr. Chezter as you see by the image of him in the face! I can have the boldnezz to say that, madame, biccause never in my life I di'n' see a young man so 'andsome like yo' son!" The mother blushed a lifelong failing. "At home," she said, "he's called his father's double." "Is that possible? But tha'z the way with people.

"And she prod-uce' a piece paper fill' with memorandum' of compliment' he's say to her one time and other, what she's wrote down whiles frezh spoken and what she billieve' are proof that he's in love to her and inten' to make his proposition so soon he's got good sign' he'll be accept'. 'But I ain't never give' him sign, she say, 'biccause a girl she cann' never be too careful.

"Then to-morrow we'll come hear ab-out it," Beloiseau said, "and tell ab-out the movie. Mme. De l'Isle she's also got fine news, what she cann' tell biffo' biccause" he waved to Mme. De l'Isle to say why, but her husband spoke for her.

"And when mademoiselle hear' what that play is ab-out she consent' at the lazt to go. Biccause tha'z ab-out a girl what billieve' a man's in love to her, biccause he pay her those li'l' galanterie of high life li'l' pol-ite figtion' what every man -unless he's marrie' egspect to pay to every girl, to make thing' pleasant, you know?

Mebbe I sell him for beeg price." "Why doesn't it have any gold?" Rouletta was genuinely curious. "Why? Biccause I stake him," 'Poleon laughed heartily. "Dose claim I stake dey never has so much gold you can see wit' your eye. Not one, an' I stake t'ousan'. Me, I hear dose man talk 'bout million dollar; I'm drinkin' heavy so I t'ink I be millionaire, too.

But we 'ave the 'ope she's goin' to marry, and then !" "Have you made a will?" "Will! Ah, we di'n' never think of that! Tha'z a marvellouz we di'n' never think of that when we are the two-third' owner' of that lovely proprity there! And we think tha'z always improving in cozt, that place, biccause so antique an' so pittoresque.

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