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It is by this proprity of length, strength of carcase, and the power of the muscles, that foreign Horse excel all others, and it is by the same advantages they excel each other also, and not by any innate virtue, or principle of the mind, which must be understood by the word blood, if any thing at all is intended to be understood by it; and this is a truth every man would be convinced of, if he would divest himself of partiality to particular blood, and confide in his own observation of Horses and their performances.

But we 'ave the 'ope she's goin' to marry, and then !" "Have you made a will?" "Will! Ah, we di'n' never think of that! Tha'z a marvellouz we di'n' never think of that when we are the two-third' owner' of that lovely proprity there! And we think tha'z always improving in cozt, that place, biccause so antique an' so pittoresque.

Castanado, "the en'! and where is all that abbout that beautiful cat what was the proprity of Dora? Everything abbout that cat of Dora scratch out! Ah, Mr. Chezter! Yvonne and me, we find that the moze am-using part that episode of the cat that large, wonderful, mazculine cat of Dora! Ah, M'sieu' Beloiseau! and to scradge that!" But Beloiseau was judicially calm. "Yes, I rim-ember that portion.

"But" they dried their eyes "there's another thing also bisside'. We are, all three, the authorezz' of a story that we are prettie sure tha'z accept' by the publisher'; an' of co'ze if tha'z accept' and if those publisher' they don' swin'le us, like so oftten we don't need to be orphan' never any mo', and we'll maybe move up-town and juz' keep that proprity here for a souvenir of our in-fancy.

And if Aline she marrie' and we, we join that asylum doubtlezz Aline she'll be rij-oice' to combine with us to leave that lovely proprity ad the lazt to the church! Biccause, you know, to take that to heaven with us, tha'z impossible, and the church tha'z the nearez' we can come." Odd as the moment seemed for them, tears rolled down their smiling faces.