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There was none for the bereaved father could be none till he should reach the termination of their strange enterprise, and know what was to be its result. As they swam onward, now proceeding with increased caution, their eyes scanning the dark surface before them, both all of a sudden and simultaneously came to a stop.

He took this suggestion, as indeed he did everything from her, in good part; and composed his visage into a decent gravity. Soon after this they reached the church, and buried the deceased in his family vault. People who are not bereaved by the death are always inclined to chatter, coming home from a funeral. Kate now talked to Neville of her own accord, and asked him if he had spoken to his host.

But presently, with an effort, he said to the deaconess: "You know, Sister, that this lad was the only son of Berenice, the widow of Asclepiodorus, the rich shipowner. Poor, bereaved mother! Only yesterday he was driving his guadriga out of the gate on the road to Marea, and now here! Go and tell her of this terrible occurrence.

The Laird came to see us off, and nearly wrung my hand off as he said, to Flora and me, "Take care of my bairn. The Lord's taking them both from their auld father. If I be bereaved of my children, I am bereaved." "The Lord will keep them Himself, dear friend," said my Uncle Drummond. "Surely you see the need to part with them?" "Oh ay, I see the need clear enough!

Yesterday, the very soul, the great and animating principle of his own creation; to-day, struck unpitiably to the ground in the very midst of his eagle flight; untimely torn from a whole world of great designs, and from the ripening harvest of his expectations, he left his bereaved party disconsolate; and the proud edifice of his past greatness sunk into ruins.

When my friends passed by the house of the victim, the midnight air was ringing with the horrible curses of his bereaved sister, whose spasmodic face was visible at a window.

Get up, and show them how supple you are!" Then laying her cheek down to the cold cheek of the dead, she exclaimed, amid broken sobs and groans "Oh, spake to me spake to me, Mike my own Mike 'tis the mother that axes ye." There was a deep pause, when the bereaved parent again broke forth "Mike, Mike why did your uncle rare you like a jintleman to bring you to this.

Little recked Perpusillus of two poor silly females that sat by the bereaved hearth, rocking themselves, and weeping, and discussing all his virtues, and how his mind had opened lately, and blind as two beetles to his faults, who rode away from them, jocund and bold. Ingentes animos angusto pectore versans. Arrived at court he speedily became a great favourite.

They are not unmindful of our human regrets and longings, but I think we ought not to be unmindful of their peaceful joy in His presence. And so everybody has a right to come to that cradle, the poor, the humble, the hard workers, the toilers, the wise, the learned, the easy, the rich, the joyous, the sad, the sorrowful, the bereaved. They may all look into the manger and see their God.

For not only was the dower-house in an untenantable state, but the weather was very much against them. The gray weather, the gloomy sky, the monotonous rains, the melting snow, the spiteful east wind, by all this enmity of the elements, as well as by the enmity in the household, the poor bereaved lady was saddened and controlled. The wretched conversation was followed by a most unhappy silence.