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The spirit of his work transferred to practice begets a life full and strong on all sides, affectionate, magnetic, tolerant, spiritual, bold with the flavor and quality of simple, healthful, open-air humanity. He opposes culture and refinement only as he opposes that which weakens, drains, emasculates, and tends to beget a scoffing, carping, hypercritical class.

And it is because one begets one's own self in one's wife that the wife is called Jaya by the wise. The husband also should be protected by the wife, thinking, How else will he take his birth in my womb? I have heard it from Brahmanas expounding the duties of the several orders that a Kshatriya hath no other duty than subduing enemies.

This, however, we can say: that a people which begets great musicians, poets and philosophers is one which devotes itself to moods and to visions, while another, as for instance the Latin group, which creates forms and standards, is one that at the cost of mood and vision, incarnates its sense of will.

"Try to win her love, Rosie, and then you may be able to influence her strongly for good." "I don't know how to begin, mamma." "Force your thoughts to dwell on the good points in her character, and think compassionately of the respects in which she is less fortunate than yourself, and you will soon find a feeling of love toward her springing up in your heart; and love begets love.

In this epoch, the Greeks were the political oppressors of the Jews, outraging Jewish national feeling through their tyranny to the same degree as by their immoral life they shocked Jewish ethical feeling and Jewish chastity. The hoary priest Mattathias and his sons fought for the dearest and noblest treasures of Judaism. Enthusiasm begets heroism.

Should the king prove a tyrant, for power begets tyranny, serve, love, respect royalty, that Divine right, that celestial spark which makes this dust still powerful and holy, so that we gentlemen, nevertheless, of rank and condition are as nothing in comparison with the cold corpse there extended." "I shall adore God, sir," said Raoul, "respect royalty and ever serve the king.

Faith begets faith; faith in Christ brings faith in the sacraments, and faith in the sacraments brings faith in Christ. It is disbelief in the efficacy of the sacraments and in the sacramental principle in life that is the essential barrier between Protestantism and Catholicism, and until this barrier is dissolved there can be neither formal unity nor unity by compromise.

Pity was in her eyes, but in her face that courage which danger itself begets in heroic women. "You have acted a noble part this day, Mr. Allen," she said, "to atone for the wrongs you have done Richard. May God forgive you, and make you happier than you have been!" He struggled to his feet, listening as to a benediction. Then, with a single glance to give me confidence, she was gone.

He does not warm or acquire increasing force or rapidity with his progress. He is never hurried away by a deep or lofty enthusiasm, nor touches the highest point of genius or fanaticism, but "in the very storm and whirlwind of his passion, he acquires and begets a temperance that may give it smoothness."

One of the cardinal doctrines of Emerson was that all true prayers are self-answered the spirit which the act of prayer begets in the suppliant is the answer. A heartfelt prayer for faith or courage or humility is already answered in the attitude of soul that devoutly asks it.