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Then he started and looked at me, conscious that I might have some contempt for so frail an opening. "Did you come here to speak about the weather?" asked MacCailein, with a sour wearied smile. "No," said M'Iver, ruffling up at once; "I came to ask when you are going to take us back the road we came?" "To to overbye?" asked MacCailein, baulking at the name.

Mistrusting the good faith of his new-made allies, he shunned the usual route through the Purwan Durrah by taking the mountain road to the south of that defile, and thus reached the Jugdulluk valley with little opposition, baulking the dispositions of the Ghilzais, who, expecting him to traverse the Purwan Durrah, were massed about the southern end of the defile, ready to fall on the column when committed to the tortuous gorge.

Seagrave, they do say that it's no use baulking a lad if he wishes to go to sea, and that if he is determined, he must go: now I think otherwise I think a parent has a right to say no, if he pleases, upon that point; for you see, sir, a lad, at the early age at which he goes to sea, does not know his own mind.

All at once the German waved an arm and sagged over sideways, his great battle-plane wavering uncertainly, and, as it began to fall, Z. avoided the intended collision by inches. Down went the German machine, down and down, and, watching, Z. saw it plunge through the clouds wrapped in flame. Then Z. turned and made for home as fast as his baulking engine would allow.

No baulking the issue, no listening to the lesser voices. If the deepest desire be now, to go on into the unknown of death, shall one forfeit the deepest truth for one more shallow? 'Then let it end, she said to herself. It was a decision. It was not a question of taking one's life she would NEVER kill herself, that was repulsive and violent. It was a question of KNOWING the next step.

The most fantastic schemes for baulking her husband and saving Antony came thronging into her mind. She rose and walked restlessly up and down the room, working herself up into a veritable fever. Mr.

She had very little appetite, and never found out how Mysie was fulfilling her resolution of kindness by baulking Wilfred of sundry attempts to tease; by substituting her own kissing-crust for Dolly's more unpoetical piece of bread; and offering to exchange her delicious strawberry-jam tartlet for the black-currant one at which her cousin was looking with reluctant eyes.

Her own room was not yet touched within, but there were beams and boards raised against it without, baulking the daylight. She went up swiftly to that other bedroom, where the little bed was; and a dark giant of a man with a pipe in his mouth, and his head tied up in a pocket-handkerchief, was staring in at the window.

And now it was that, in the mists ahead, he beheld another machine which, coming swiftly down upon him, proved to be a German, who, mounting above him, promptly opened fire. Z., struggling with his baulking engine, had his hands pretty full; moreover his opponent, owing to greater speed, could attack him from precisely what angle he chose.

And now not even a cross for himself would or could keep him from following close up to such a Master. Here is the meaning of "Follow Me" as it worked out in Peter's experience acquaintance, a new life, schooling, service, a sight of sacrifice, and a baulking, then a sight of Jesus on the cross, and then a willingness to go on even though it meant the sorest sacrifice.