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She bowed, and as Miss Lermontof inclined her head slightly in response, there was a kind of cold aloofness in her bearing a something defiantly repellent which filled Diana with a sudden sense of dislike, almost of fear. It was as though the sun had all at once gone behind a cloud. The Baroni's voice fell on her ears, and the disagreeable tension snapped. "A rivederci, little singing-bird.

"I'm glad it's a sunny day," she remarked to Miss Bunting. "First impressions are everything, and that pupil of Signor Baroni's, Miss Quentin, arrives to-day. I hope her rooms are quite ready?" "Quite, Mrs. Lawrence," replied the lady-help. "I put a few flowers in the vases just to make it look a little home-like." "Very thoughtful of you, Miss Bunting," Mrs. Lawrence returned graciously.

They were of a curious translucent green, the more noticeable against the contrasting darkness of her hair and brows; they reminded one of the colour of Chinese jade. "I've just been to tea with Miss de Gervais," volunteered Diana, after a pause. A swift look of surprise crossed Olga Lermontof's face. "I didn't know you had met her," she said slowly. "Yes, we met at Signor Baroni's the other day.

In this respect Baroni's prognostications of evil had failed to materialise, but his fears that marriage would interfere with Diana's musical career were better founded. Quite easily and naturally she slipped out of the professional life which had just been opening its doors to her. She felt no inclination to continue singing in public.

Fleming's Husband' is actually produced. Just now" with a rather wistful smile "I don't seem to have a husband to call my own. Miss de Gervais claims so much of his time." Baroni's brow grew stormy. "Mees de Gervais? Of course! It is inevitable!" he muttered. "I knew it must be like that." Diana regarded him curiously. "But why?

"Baroni's forbidden me to smoke," she said, hesitating a little. "Do you think just one would hurt my voice?" The short black lashes flew up, and the light-grey eyes, like a couple of stars between black clouds, met his in irresistible appeal. "I'm sure it wouldn't," he replied promptly. "After all, this is just an hour's playtime that we have snatched out of life.

Later, Diana was to learn that Baroni's most scathing criticisms and most furious reproofs were always delivered in a low, half-whispering tone that fairly seared the victim. "That is your idea, then to shout, and yell, and bellow your love like a caged bull?