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Think of the self-restraint I have placed upon myself! Although living in Paris, I have not tried to see you again, Marsa, since you drove me from your presence; it was by chance that I met you at the Baroness's; but now " "It is another woman you have before you. A woman who ignores that she has listened to your supplications, yielded to your prayers.

It was the line traced by the baroness's foot, which was gradually being effaced, just as her memory was fading, and, as she looked at it, Jeanne's heart felt bursting with grief; she seemed so lonely, so separated from everybody. "For my part, I am only too pleased," continued Julien. "I should have proposed it before, but I was afraid of displeasing you."

The eyelids in such scrutinies reveal the critical mind; Clotilde's drooped till they almost closed upon their lashes deadly criticism. 'Think of her age, said Alvan, colouring. He named a grandmaternal date for the year of the baroness's birth. Her eyebrows now stood up; her contemplation of those disenchanting lineaments came to an abrupt finish.

He hurried to the Faubourg Saint Honore, to the house formerly occupied by the Baroness de Watchau, and there found a good-natured concierge, who at once informed him that after the Baroness's death her furniture and personal effects had been taken to the great auction mart in the Rue Drouot; the sale being conducted by M. Petit, the eminent auctioneer.

Jeanne became as ardent and as enthusiastic as he as she discussed the mysteries of a future existence, and grew familiar with all the old and complicated arguments employed in religious controversy. They would both walk along the baroness's avenue talking of Christ and the Apostles, of the Virgin Mary and of the Fathers of the Church as if they had really known them.

After she had signed the deeds she went out to the baroness's avenue, and walked up and down, heart-broken and miserable while she bade tearful, despairing farewells to the trees, the worm-eaten bench under the plane tree, the wood, the old elm trunk, against which she had leant so many times, and the hillock, where she had so often sat, and whence she had watched the Comte de Fourville running towards the sea on the awful day of Julien's death.

"Oh, permit us to sun ourselves in your rays, ma toute belle," said the Countess Moltke. "One could well fancy themselves in a fairy palace, so enchanting is everything here." "And the baroness's appearance confirms this impression," remarked the gallant Frenchman. "Fancy could not well paint a more lovely fairy in one's happiest dreams." "Yes, truly I wander around as if in an enchanted scene.

"I will return for my change another evening," he said to the dumbfounded waiter. "If you are ready, Baroness." They left the restaurant amid an intense hush. Norgate waited deliberately whilst the door was somewhat unwillingly held open for him by a maître d'hôtel, but outside the Baroness's automobile was summoned at once.

Madame Alexis, the cook, was ranged up alongside, and beyond her was the apple-cheeked Flamande maid One of the male hangers-on of the establishment came stumbling down the staircase with a great travelling-trunk upon his shoulders, and arranged his burden alongside the driver's seat. Then down tripped the Baroness's maid, carrying a dressing-bag in one hand and a despatch-box in the other.

Like a good chairwoman, she took none of the bread out of the Baroness's mouth as we have occasionally known it to be done on such occasions but confined herself to ecstatic praises of the German lady.