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Updated: August 25, 2024

Collectively the sentinels asseverated that afterward they had seen the White Lady pass before the guardhouse windows, and that she had even looked in upon them with her great black eyes. Even to-day they shuddered and trembled at the bare remembrance of the frightful apparition, and swore that they would rather die than see that horrible woman again.

"Then, Marian, I'm to understand it's goodnight?" "I think," said the girl with a level look of disdain, "it might be far better if you were to understand that it's good-bye." "You," he said with slight difficulty "you mean that, Marian?" "Finally!" she asseverated.

At an early hour Hiram Look had come over, gay in his panoply as chief of the Ancient and Honorables, and repeated his insistent demand that the Cap'n ride at the head of the parade in an imported barouche, gracing the occasion as head of the municipality. "The people demand it," asseverated Hiram with heat. "The people have rights over you."

But this was nothing compared with the revelation of his treacherous letters. His first instinct, of course, was falsehood. "I never wrote any letter tending to subvert the constitution," he asseverated. Being confronted with his own sign-manual, "Their design," he cried, "is not to subvert but to protect."

"All my beautiful furniture will go for less than a thousand francs! Save me!" She was nauseating Sophia. "Please rise," said Sophia, her hands fidgeting undecidedly. "I shall repay you, surely!" Madame Foucault asseverated. "I swear!" "Does she take me for a fool?" thought Sophia, "with her oaths!" "No!" said Sophia. "I won't lend you the money. But I tell you what I will do.

He went even farther back and recalled his own caustic opinions of certain young rakes he had known in the East, wherein he had invariably asseverated that if he "had a sister he would sooner see her dead than married to that rascal." Well, here he was with a sister, and what was he to do about it?

"White as raspberry flowers!" asseverated Poly with extravagant gestures; "white as clouds in the summer! white as sugar! Her hair is lak golden-rod; her eyes blue lak the lake when the wind blows over it in the morning!" Peter glanced again at his partner, but Ambrose was farthest from the window, and there was nothing to be read in his face.

Reflecting that Henry, in this state of uncertainty, was capable of the wildest acts, and that not less was to be feared from his imprudence than from the Queen's resentment, I cudgelled my brains to explain the RENCONTRE of the morning; but as the courier, whom I questioned, confirmed the report of my agents, and asseverated most confidently that he had left Madame in Brussels, I was flung back on the alternative of an accidental resemblance.

"Name it and it is done," Halfman asseverated, with an oath, "were it to pluck a purple hair for you from the beard of the Grand Cham himself." "'Tis no such matter," Evander answered. "I do but entreat you of your courtesy to take back your ring, for which in very truth I have no use." Halfman protested a little for form's sake, then gave way, glad enough to pouch his jewel again.

I wouldn't no more fool ye, ye know I wouldn't, don't ye? than I'd jerk a hoss," he asseverated. "Your place is clear now, an' by this time to-morro' the' won't be the scratch of a pen agin it. I'll send the satisfaction over fer record fust thing in the mornin'." "But, Dave," protested the widow, "I s'pose ye know what you're doin' ?" "Yes," he interposed, "I cal'late I do, putty near.

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