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Updated: August 8, 2024

On the 16th of April, towards evening, we received tidings that in less than six hours our boat had passed the rapids, and had arrived in good condition in a cove called el Puerto de arriba, or the Port of the Expedition. We were shown in the little church of Atures some remains of the ancient wealth of the Jesuits. A silver lamp of considerable weight lay on the ground half-buried in the sand.

Along the lower slopes of the mountains, where the valleys widened, were primitive little adobe towns, in which the Mexicans lived, each owning a few acres of tillable land. In the summer they followed their sheep herds in the upland pastures. There were not a hundred white men in the whole of Arriba County, and no railroad touched it.

On the very morning after the above dialogue Garcia's train started for Rio Arriba, taking with it a girl who had been singled out for a marriage which she did not guess, or for a death whose horrors were beyond her wildest fears. The train consisted of six long and heavy covered vehicles, not dissimilar in size, strength, and build to army wagons.

"Yeah, I saw your purse, tu bolsa upstairs arriba la escalera; but run to the convenience store or the grocery store for the asprin whatever is quickest. Rapidamente!" "No, dama. Hoy no tengo trabajar hasta cinco." "For Pete's sake usted es terrible perezosa. You are floja-lazy floja, floja-lazy." "I'm not none floja, please Miss. I'm your good illegal trabajadora. Don't throw me in the streets."

"Body o' me," exclaimed Don Quixote, "what a proficient you are in the Italian language! I would lay a good wager that where they say in Italian piace you say in Spanish place, and where they say piu you say mas, and you translate su by arriba and giu by abajo." "I translate them so of course," said the author, "for those are their proper equivalents."

As you doubtless know,” he went on, “your estate includes a large area of mountain and mesa land—a little more than nine thousand acres I believenorth and west of the San Antonio River in Arriba County. I own nearly as much land on the east side of the river. The valley itself is owned by a number of natives in small farming tracts.

In Louisiana the grinding lasts but about eight weeks. In Cuba it continues four months. In analyzing the sugar produced on the island, and comparing it with that of the main land, the growth of Louisiana, chemists could find no difference as to the quality of the true saccharine principle contained in each. "The great sugar estates lie in the Vueltra Arriba, the region of the famous red earth.

Then came a level stretch where the runner seemed to gain, and then a long decline where Jo's horse dared not run his best, so lost again at every step. But on they went, and Jo spared neither spur nor quirt. A mile a mile and another mile, and the far-off rock at Arriba loomed up ahead. And there Jo knew fresh mounts were held, and on they dashed.

As for the others, that dandy, Quintara, and Remigio Florez, who looks like a coffee berry from their plantation at Vuelta Arriba, and Escobar, I am very much in their debt I bring the gold and they provide the pleasures of Havana. They are my runners. I haven't the slightest interest in their politics; if they support the Revolution or Madrid, they keep all that out of my knowledge."

She was a pretty picture as she sat there, her blue eyes and Madonna face turned to the rosy west, singing in her sweet child's voice her fierce little song of sedition and war: "Arriba los valientes! Abajo tirania! Pronto llegara el dia De la Restauracion. Carlistas a caballo! Soldados en Campana! Viva el Rey de Espana, Don Carlos de Borbon!"

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