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"I will," she repeated, "for I have promised, and there are many ways of laying down one's life." For a moment she stood alone in the moonlight, and what vows of self-sacrifice she made were known only to herself. "Anwl, anwl!" said Sara, as Will entered, "will I make my door bigger? Will I find a stool strong enough for this big man?" Will laughed and tossed back his hair.

"Caton pawb, man!" he said, "not me would go in a boat to that hole for the world. It is a split in the earth, and those are ghosts or witches or something that walk in and out there; but anwl! anwl! you must be a witch yourself, I think, to put those things on paper. Oh, see that red sun, now, and the sea all red and yellow! Well, indeed!"

"Yes, it was," he said; "but d'ye think, woman, I would give it to Morva after being on Bella Lewis's neck? No! that's why I am running away in such a hurry, to buy her another, d'ye see, and Dei anwl, I must make haste or else I'll be late on board. Good-bye, good-bye." Mrs. Parry looked after him almost tenderly, but called out once more: "Shall I have it if I can get it?"

I had grown so fond of Morva, Diwss anwl! she was in my thoughts morning, noon, and night, and I thought she cared for me a little; but there I was mistaken, I suppose, for when I asked her, she told me she was promised to Will.

Look once more into my eyes, cariad anwl, and tell me you too feel the same." "Oh, Cardo, what for will I say the same thing many times?" "Because I love to hear you."

That, I suppose, must remain a mystery until he chooses to turn up again." "Yes, it is strange," said his father, with a deep sigh. "Well, thank God!" said Gwilym; "'tis plain he never took the money, Ann. There is no more need for tears." "No, indeed," she said, "but will he ever come back? Oh! father, anwl! no more sighs. Will is a collegian and getting on well.

"Diwss anwl!" said Gethin; "have I got to live continually with a parson? I'm afraid I had better pack up my bundle at once; thee wilt never have patience with me and my foolish ways." Will looked sober. "Thy foolish ways! I hope thou hast left them behind thee."

"Yes, yes, I am going at once. Thank you, Shoni; you have been kind to her, and I can never forget it." And he jumped up and unceremoniously left his companion staring after him. "Diwx anwl!" said Shoni, returning to his Welsh, "he goes like a greyhound; good thing I didn't offer to go with him!"

"Oh, Gethin anwl!" she sobbed, as she clasped her arms round his neck. Gethin gently loosed her clinging fingers, and kissed the tears from her eyes, and in her heart welled up again the tender love which had been smothered and buried for so long. Gwilym Morris came hurrying down from his "study," a tiny room partitioned off from the hayloft.

"Father, anwl," she said, in an abandon of love, kneeling down beside him, and throwing her strong white arm around him, "is it tears I see dropping down on the table? Well, indeed, there's a foolish daughter you've got, to cry and mourn, and make her old father cry.