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It was no larger than a pack of playing cards, and its sensitive microphone was incorporated right into the case. The tiny antenna was a piece of stiff steel wire only two inches long. The whole gadget fitted easily into an inside coat pocket without a noticeable bulge. Barby's rig was slightly different. The antenna ran along one edge of the plastic strip.

Now connect up an electronics crook, Camillion, and that peculiar antenna." "The balloons carry radio equipment," Scotty said promptly. "The antenna picks up their signals." Steve nodded again. "That's reasonable. Now, why do the balloons carry radio equipment? And why are they launched?" "We're like a dog chasing his tail," Rick said with a grin.

"That fellow or that station has another antenna waiting to receive my message," replied Harvey. "The signal keeps on going through the ether until it strikes that other antenna. Then it climbs along it until it reaches the receiving set and registers the same kind of dot or dash as the one I made at this end. It's like the pitcher and catcher of a baseball battery.

Of course, you must click your heels together when a General speaks to you. And naturally that took Captain Kidd some time to do, because it is no easy matter to click your heels together when you have six feet. Perhaps it was only to be expected that General Antenna should quickly become impatient. "Why don't you answer?" the General shouted. "We'll lose the battle if we're not careful!"

And it's so heavy that the whole army couldn't move it." At that a shudder passed over General Antenna's fat body. "Then we're as good as lost!" she shrieked. "Daddy Longlegs will defeat us. And I'll never hear the last of it." And right there on the edge of the battle-field General Antenna shed so many bitter tears that Captain Kidd had to move aside slightly, to keep her feet from getting wet.

Well, it had served its purpose. Merlin, alias Lefty Camillion, and his electronics wizard were fitting a rocket into a loop on a plastic strap that dangled from the balloon. Rick couldn't see it clearly, but thought it was a replica of the one he had recovered. There was sound from the truck containing the dish antenna.

In a minute, Frank Nelsen emerged from Ramos' ring. Floating free, he stabilized himself, fussed with the radio antenna of his helmet-phone for a moment, making its transmission and reception directional. On the misty, shrinking Earth, North America was visible. "Frank Nelsen to Paul Hendricks," he said. "Frank Nelsen to Paul Hendricks..." Paul was waiting, all right. "Hello, Frankie.

How was I to tune in with him, among so many vibrating lights of other souls? Using a secret yoga technique, I broadcasted my love to Kashi's soul through the microphone of the spiritual eye, the inner point between the eyebrows. With the antenna of upraised hands and fingers, I often turned myself round and round, trying to locate the direction in which he had been reborn as an embryo.

In fact, the evident tendency of things to contract personal communication within the narrowest limits makes us tremble lest some further development of the electric telegraph should reduce us to a society of mutes, or to a sort of insects communicating by ingenious antenna of our own invention.

"But although he laughed at my 'fancies, I could not but notice he was always getting me to tell them, yet as if for some end of his own which I never could discover; for often when he had set me going in this way, I could feel myself pushed forth from him, as if I were the antenna of some insect with which he was exploring unknown regions, and making in his own wise head conclusions with which I had nothing to do.