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Updated: August 14, 2024

In exchange, the letters. So, after dinner, I hastened here." "Unknown to your husband?" "Yes." "What do you think about it?" asked Daspry, turning to me. "I think as you do, that Mon. Andermatt is one of the invited guests." "Yes, but for what purpose?" "That is what we are going to find out." I led the men to a large room.

He had heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Mon. Andermatt appeared at the door. "You! You!" exclaimed the banker. "Was it you who brought me here?" "I? By no means," protested Varin, in a rough, jerky voice that reminded me of his brother, "on the contrary, it was your letter that brought me here." "My letter?" "A letter signed by you, in which you offered "

"The best proof is that, two days later, you yourself showed me the papers and the plans that belonged to Lacombe and offered to sell them. How did these papers come into your possession?" "I have already told you, Mon. Andermatt, that we found them on Louis Lacombe's table, the morning after his disappearance." "That is a lie!" "Prove it." "The law will prove it."

They recalled memories of a Rigi tour, a tour up from Lake Lucerne at Fluelen to Göschenen, from Göschenen to Andermatt, from Andermatt up over the Rhone glacier and down to the wonderful Grimsel Hospice, with its clear icy-cold lake, which lies in a rocky funnel, like the entrance to the kingdom of shades. One looks about to see if Charon's raft is not waiting. Mrs.

All the way from Geschenen to Andermatt the ascent is very steep the road in some places being almost suspended over the Reuss. When we crossed the famous Devil's bridge it was covered with mist, produced by the spray from the neighbouring cataracts. The old Devil's bridge, a few feet below the new one, has been disused for many years, and is now covered with moss and lichens.

We met near Amstegg a little Italian boy walking home, from Germany, quite alone and without money, for we saw him give his last kreutzer to a blind beggar along the road. We therefore took him with us, as he was afraid to cross the St. Gothard alone. After refreshing ourselves at Andermatt, we started, five in number, including a German student, for the St. Gothard.

"One hundred francs," cried Plade, "for the fleetest pony to Andermatt. Ten francs to the postilion who can saddle him in two minutes. My mother is dying in Lyons." He climbed one of the dark flights of stairs, and an old, uncleanly monk gave him a glass of Kerschwasser. He descended to the stables, and cursed the Swiss lackeys into speed.

About an hour short of Andermatt they have pierced a huge black cavity in the mountain, around which has grown up a swarming, digging, hammering, smoke-compelling colony. There are great barracks, with tall chimneys, down in the gorge that bristled the other day but with natural graces, and a wonderful increase of wine-shops in the little village of Goeschenen above.

In those days, and for many years later, there was only a mule-path over the adjacent Grimsel Pass, but now there is a carriage road leading out of the Rhone glacier's basin northwards to Meiringen, whilst the old-established Furka road, at the other side of the amphitheatre, leads eastward to Andermatt, the St. Gothard, and the Lake of Lucerne. Hence three great roads now meet at Gletsch.

After a moment, Daspry said: "A very simple theory....Has Mon. Andermatt spoken to you since then?" "No." "Has his attitude toward you changed in any way? Does he appear more gloomy, more anxious?" "No, I haven't noticed any change." "And yet you think he has secured the letters. Now, in my opinion, he has not got those letters, and it was not he who came here on the night of 22 June."

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